Sim City 4 is a 17 year old game

Sim City 4 is a 17 year old game.

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Timeless classic

>plenty of prime land to the sides of your city
>extend onto a small island which necessitates expensive bridges instead

Old enough to fuck

Im more of a fan of 3000 Unlimited. 4 is great with the patches and mod fixes tho.

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for the sole purpose of looking cool

next year Sim City 4 can legally post on Yas Forums

How do you start your cities Yas Forums?

Grids or semi-organic?

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Imagine the waste of water

This isn't even my final form

(this is vegas)

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and still the best city builder we've gotten

This is now a comfy SC4 music thread

>you can have arable land with running water
>or you can live in the desert
Why are people so retarded? my fav

Also: City of Commerce
Both these tracks are essential citybuildan music

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Remember when Cities: Skylines cucks were spamming the net about how much better it was? lmao, SC4 reigns eternal

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They are Americans

Also, why the fuck isn't the Win95 version of SC2K not for sale anywhere?

Because it's 25 years later. Try here.

It's next to one of the largest most productive rives on the planet retards.

That's now even Clapistanis final final form

>Bunch of farmers try to irrigate desert
>Flood valleys in an attempt to create an inlet lake
>their math is off
>real off
>millions of gallons spread further than they should
>and then they stop
>creates an inlet sea with no running water
>obviously, this is perfect resort territory
>import millions of fish to populate a sea that has no way to clean itself
>inevitably, all the fish die
>the water becomes stagnant
>the sea dries up and so do thousands of dreams
>the Salton Sea is abandoned and left alone to rot
>a testament to the hubris of man, for all time

Ey fuck you, at least we're not Spain

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That's the DOS version you moron.

The Win95 version can run at desktop resolutions, has more zoom levels and more keyboard shortcuts.

It's the best version by far.

still the best city builder around

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Maxis is dead user, don't give money to their killer, after what they did with sim city they don't deserve it

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I wish they would make another 2D isometric city builder but with modern lighting mechanics. OpenRCT2 shows that this has a lot of potential.

Attached: open rct2 real time lighting.jpg (2497x1080, 904.77K)

Because it's not the year 1306 anymore.

Populous 2 is 29

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I tried, but I just can't into it.
Also, what are those, 6x6 grids?


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They were newfags unaware of Paradox's jewery

god damn, maxis was such a fucking gem of a studio in its time. still the EA victim that hurts the most for me

There are some things CS does better, but yes I prefer SC4 overall.


You mean how it happens in real life all the time?

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>The city is kinda fucked
>Let's build a 2nd city on top of it

That's not very viable, because for good lighting you need 3D models anyways. You need the 3D data to calculate the reach of a light. OpenRCT just puts a circular glow around the lamp which works for that game but probably wouldn't work as well with skyscrapers around. It would be possible with orthographic rendering, but not with true 2D.

You sahould check out nekomata master

The second I supply water and education half my cities turn into high wealth buildings which then become abandoned due to low demand/jobs. What am I doing wrong? I provide no other services except public transport.

Just pirate it m8
Also, if you have problems trying to run the game:
Don't forget to run it in compatibility mode yada yada

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You need more high tech industry. That's the darkest yellow button but don't make them too large plot wise or they turn into gaudy warehouses. They need to be built in high wealth land areas

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I am just shit at making money and increasing desirability. Managing the taxes properly seems like a do or die. I am not sure when to put in services in ether. My biggest city is barely profitable and I still get riots all the time.

I remember playing this one summer holiday, good times.

I will never not be mad about Spore