Post the ugliest version of a character

Post the ugliest version of a character

Attached: mk vs dc liu kang.png (726x508, 606.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: chrisre7.jpg (750x422, 19.65K)

this is unsettling

Attached: 44de30844ce468351b0eb9f7babeedae.jpg (727x700, 384.29K)

you're welcome

Nujill, i dont even going to search the pic

Meth, not even once

Unironically. Team Ninja did a much better job.

Attached: 45421BD1-E0E8-40E2-A2BC-955529C2DB93.jpg (469x552, 42.1K)

Attached: takuma.gif (154x221, 38.12K)

Attached: jew_valentinstein.png (706x370, 153.24K)

Is there a difference?

Attached: Marvel-vs-Capcom-Infinite-Chun-Li-face.jpg (690x388, 276.01K)

And people said there were no mutants in MVCI

Hey now, posting MvCI in this thread is cheating.

Attached: AW041kRCwQN9k9QKQr-bdl1KfZCEf6GKgry6HxhjPDY.jpg (684x719, 97.8K)

Attached: 151253434.jpg (860x552, 63.37K)

I want to swipe my face like a credit card between her tits

Attached: 517500-crash-mind-over-mutant-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1132, 183.71K)

>had to sacrifice one of the unique mutants to progress
Im still mad

Jews are the ruling class while americans are the cattle

shit taste

Only a tourist would think that version of him looks remotely good, way to expose yourself.

Attached: Eggman_06_Final.png (1102x1654, 1.1M)

Attached: Judgment_Guide_Simon.jpg (340x453, 40.11K)

Attached: egg eyes.png (688x383, 427.47K)

Don't let this thread die
Nona's King of Fighters art is very polarizing but when it's a miss, it's really ugly

Attached: kof02 yamazaki.jpg (651x1600, 78.5K)

Attached: CI1FJJLWgAAc5Hm.jpg (600x584, 42.67K)

Fuck RE engine, 99% of the characters look like shit.

>turns out Eggman had microphthalmia
Deepest lore.

kof 02 art is a trainwreck

Attached: 5445a3b3c663eef9c63808b407dcd2ed--manga-games-fighting-games[1].jpg (474x987, 60.18K)



Some of it is fine, like Mature, but again, when he draws a stinker it really shows. Generally, I am glad he doesn't draw the main art anymore

Attached: kof02 iori.jpg (500x1000, 79.74K)

>light yagami vampire slayer joke

Attached: unnamed (5).jpg (512x358, 75.21K)

not even close

Attached: 865b241402236d5955198df65359b433.jpg (750x1500, 132.31K)

Attached: 1512322844105.png (866x900, 93.88K)

Raiden and Kano looked like crap in MK1.

Attached: image.jpg (850x1109, 483.79K)

Man, that's one raging boner Iori has.

Attached: 1448263012442.png (532x476, 92.79K)


Attached: Mega_Man_Fully_Charged_Serie_de_TV-506794355-large.jpg (815x1192, 76.2K)

Infinite Chris is at least still based on RE5 Chris, which was a great look for him. Infinite has a bad model but the design is fine. RE7 Chris looks like a different person entirely.