Who should be on the roster for a new Fate fighting game?

Who should be on the roster for a new Fate fighting game?

Or would a fate console rpg be good? I just want something besides grand fucking order or musou shit

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>Who should be on the roster for a new Fate fighting game?

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The main cast of Tsukihime and FSN, then the most popular characters from the rest of the shit TM has produced like nero, jeanne, kuro etc.


Fate actually works really great as team arena combat game
Fate/ANOTHER is really good proof of that

Fuck Fate, make a new Meltan and fucking put Touko and Alice in it.

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I dunno. I want them to be happy because I'm depressed

Would a new Fate fighting game use sprites or models?

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Models like the arcade version.

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I'm a sucker for all of Nasuverse so I want everything and everyone


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I'd like to have Sigurd, Li Shuwen, Izou, Salieri, Chiyome, Yagyu, and Kirschtaria

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please god tell me what game

FGO Arcade. It's only available in Japan.

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Jeanne and only Jeanne

Jeanne Jeanne Jeanne Jeanne

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Sprites please
Repurpose that awful bits of Part 1 but with the actual team of masters that were supposed to go through them. It'll at least serve as a decent foundation as an RPG with a set cast of characters and interactions instead of relying on Mashu and whatever given singularity's servant roster

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RPG where we play as servant would be pretty cool
Maybe even with multiple routes for different masters

ArcSystems should make it.

Only if it's more Blazblue than GBV/DBFZ

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>MFW we'll never get a Fate anime/manga/LN/etc with the MC being a shota

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>Only if it's more Blazblue than GBV/DBFZ
Hell no. Guilty Gear style.

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That works too

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Who is that and why are they at a piano?

A sprite fighting game wouldn't be too bad if they wanted to keep wanking FGO characters in particular.

Maybe include a RPG mode similar to the one that GBVS has that covers certain Singularites in a similar way.

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Antonio Salieri. He's an avenger who's based off the nasty rumor about him killing Mozart which serves as the basis of his summoned state.

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>MFW Gilgamesh would be a zoner.

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CCC shows him decently capable of close-combat outside of just ranged GoB spam

Take my word for it, it's pretty awful. It's actually worse than regular FGO for how badly it stings you for cash and the gameplay itself is just bland.

FGO has a handful of characters who deserve a visual novel tier session of being allowed to develop in a story and interact with more characters.
Even more so to be a in a fighting game where there's a bevy of interesting/unique fighting styles

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