what vidya is Yas Forums getting with their Trumpbux?
What vidya is Yas Forums getting with their Trumpbux?
Imagine being so retarded that you buy vidya instead of doing literally anything else with it
hey jannies the other thread had some vidya discussion going on you fucking asses
Put it in savings like a responsible adult
Food and bills
i dont pay taxes
>being so poor that you qualify
I’ll probably get lasik eye surgery
Put it in discover savings
1.5% interest rate how the FUCK can other banks compete? Like serious these companies are JEWISH AS FUCK for savings. THEY DON'T WANT US TO SAVE.
buy tifa and aerith action figure and save the rest
Cool it with the anti-Semitism.
I'm not a burger
Neets can still get it. I remember how the wagies were so smug talking about how neets couldn't get it because they don't file taxes. Then the IRS made a special form for neetchads
Yas Forums raid?
holy shit, we never stop winning.
Sitting on it until I have a good reason to spend it. Might use it when I go to St Augustine after all this clears up.
last time i came into a large quantity of money I spent some of it on a switch lite without doing proper research on the joycon drift.
Nothing, and neither are you because the impending recession will make $1200 too little to purchase a week's groceries.
Don't forget the jar.
Why do you retards keep fucking asking?
Mods are faggots
>"Oh a thread with vidya related topic but off topic picture that draws some off topic discussion? Better delete that even though there's some vidya discussion going on"
Just delete the file you fucking retards
When's this game coming to ps4 or steam? The dev say anything?
"Ach mein heinie, no Tyrese zis bootie is verboten"
A deflation which is exactly where we're heading and what the whole "money printer go BBBRRRRRRR" is trying to avoid is goint to make your dollars worth MORE you absolute cretin
What's the catch?
>the federal reserve printing money makes the dollar worth more
Nothing from what I saw. I called and set it up. Put $1,000 and it's online only that's why. No overhead.
user, some of us having savings. these stimulus packages are a nice little gift from the government, of course some of us are gonna spend it on something fun.
>make over 6 figures last year
>still get 1200 smackaroos
Sure sure, go ahead and buy stocks or property instead of holding to your dollars right now. Tell me how it went in 6 months you fucking genius
>people not realizing you'll have to pay it back
>calls Dems communists
>Gives away money for free to almost all Americans
>implying 1200 is a lot
Feels good not having a mcjob
No games. I am getting a hair transplant with it. (I've already saved up 8000 grand, which brings me a thousand more closer to the goal).
I don't have anything else left
to keep a system of capital running...
The last time I had a 'battlestation' was about 2 years ago. I've been using a tiny writing desk and a busted chair for the last 6 months minimum. My body hurts.
I couldn't reasonably budget in a way to upgrade my PC, my chair, and my desk that included needed/qol items for me, my wife, and kid. So I accepted the wait and just ordered a Raspberry Pi 4, couple fair monitors and clearly a new desk/chair.
I cannot fucking wait to have dual monitors again, even if I'm stuck on a Pi for a bit.
Nioh 2
and gaming related, a new computer desk
Shhhhh, don't let people remember that free things aren't free
If the same amount of "value" is in the system, but the money supply is doubled, that does what to the value of a dollar?
>it's only communism when WE say it's communism
yes they're running essentially a viral marketing campaign in other boards in order to promote the stimulus check as "trumpbux" even though he's constantly bungled the whole process and made it more difficult than it should have been
turns out republicans quite like socialism when it's simplified for their smooth brains
I guess by that logic if $1200 went missing from your account overnight on any given day, that's no big deal. Must be nice.
Gonna drop it all on a 2080 ti
I mean, if everything looses value due to recession faster than the dollar loses value due to overprinting, even if the dollar is worth less compared to the Yuan as an american you have more purchasing power
I'm just saying, all the nigs are gonna be very pissed when they realize they'll have to cough up the money they spent on dumb shit.
But vidya is all I have left
>bipartisan federal reserve niggertry is republican
I dont like the idea of dumping money into the economy or peoples' checking accounts, but if nobody did anything you would have seen looting by now.
nah using my to redo the flower bed
i budget for hobbies because i'm not a pleb
>Trump literally making the IRS write "Donald J. Trump" on the side of the stimulus checks
jesus christ this country
Nah people would riot if they just demanded the money back in full
Instead they'll just tax it back or pass the debt to our kids
If things hold their value, sure. But what's going to happen when all these people without jobs don't consoom all these products? exactly
>the jar
trumpbux is just a tax credit