Stop playing on randy random and play cassandra classic instead

>stop playing on randy random and play cassandra classic instead
>game suddenly becomes much easier and more comfy

should've done this a long time ago rimbros

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>easy and pointless = comfy
the cipher has been decoded

casuals, everyone

I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact this is a singleplayer run based game, fully moddable and where the own dev gives you tools to decide how you play.
It's also stupid to complain for "casuals" as that imply there's a base standard everything is compared with which doesn't exist, and the fact that Tynan is incredibly stupid and his changes to the game fuck up the balance way mroe than any other shit. Like, seriously, besides the QoL, Royalty is one of the biggest, most unfun expansions I've ever seen. It's like he made it jsut to spite the community.

cry more, casual

The game is extremely easy once you learn how to deal with each situation. Being adaptable makes even "hard" difficulties meaningless. There's not even any actual skill involved-- any retard can pause the game and use a few brain cells to contemplate the necessary reaction to each event. If you're struggling at all past your first few games then you're probably just really stupid. Sorry.

shit, should've postes an >inb4, I knew this exact reply was coming

Oh I never said the game was hard. I'm not OP, I always play Randy at at least medium and commitment.
It's just that what is the point of creating a skill bar to pass in a non-competitive game where the focus is on, as you said, adaptability and making your own stuff, with so many official given tools and mods to customize the experience? Do you complain people mods games, plays other modes other than the main one or uses any of the extra feature given by the devs? Like, really, what is the endgame here.

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A player is free to make his own fun with each game, especially singleplayer sandboxes-- just as other people are free to call him a shitter for needing to trivialize his own experience.

play the game however you want, just don’t come onto my board expecting validation for playing on easymode, you giant baby

cassandra is literally how the game is meant to be played.

>hasn't played merciless cassie
Bitch please, once you hit like 8 pawns she goes full dick flattening mode on you. At that point randy feels like a walk in the park.

Did they really nerfed all turrets to the ground so now you can't defend base without deathrooms?

>play Randy Random
>game is more balanced, more fun, and more productive
>only downside is the Heat Wave/Toxic Fallout/Cold Snap consecutive season combo

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doesn’t make you any less of a casual for picking it

Cassandra? Comfy?

Are you retarded? Cassandra is extreme hard mode retard.

I had a base filled with turrets scattered across the base to deal with droppods. All they did was attract the enemies attention, they practically did no damage to them. Snare traps on the other hand absolutely annihilated them.

New to the game. How do I get more people? Also, what's the best plant for the cold season?

>Send out a 3 man caravan
>They get fucking murdered
>2 drop pod events in a row with new colonists
She's too fucking forgiving. I was looking forward to having to pick up the pieces after losing literally half my colony and my two best pack animals and she just fucking tops me up. I'm considering just slaughtering the newcomers and picking up where I should be, dealing with my own fuck ups.

Cassandra is only casual mode for the first couple seasons. The moment the game thinks you're starting to have actual fun and freedom of choice, it starts raining plagues and raids down on your head.

Nope. That text was removed-- every difficulty/storyteller is 'valid', Cassandra is just the most familiar and generic difficulty curve.

Funnily enough, Cassandra is actually more difficult than Randy in the late game-- if OP is having an easier time then he's probably playing a low difficulty on top of the storyteller.

An argument can be made here where the former is enjoying his personal time while the later is creating discomfort for selfish reasons, usually finding the tiniest bit of validation possible.
I don't care that much, I do my thing and others do theirs.
But I find it funny that these people are the same that then will wonder why they're so socially outcast. What do you expect to happen when your main source of self-worship comes from devaluating others? the only thing getting ignored in the long run it's you. Drop it, repeating this, even if you're just "trolling", subconsciously convinces your brain till you eventually fal into the pit.
t.Someone who was exactly like this when I was 17yo. Get out of there while you can.
Now post "whatever, casual faggot", dilate or whatever and let's go back to discussing Tynan
's amazing balance choices.

I'm just playing medium. I'm not hardcore like this autist

>trapped on a foreign, hostile planet trying to eke out a meagre existence without dying from starvation
>colonists get a fucking PTSD depression from not having their own giant room or a dinner table

Can you believe these little shits

>How do I get more people?
Literally wait for them to drop in. Wounded colonists will drop in on drop pods and rescue quests will pop up like hotcakes as long as you're under the game's recommended population level.

After that point, however, recruiting dries the fuck up. Your only decent bets for expanding then are spending lodsemone buying slaves from hostile civilizations or desperately hoping that at least one raider gets downed instead of killed during a raid.

He probably got to year two with a steady food source and decent defense system and thinks he's winning the game.
Wait until the solar flare hits right in the middle of winter and he gets attacked by something his woodenspike traps can't stop.

The room requirements are absolutely fucking absurd.
An "average sized" room needs a MINIMUM of 29 tiles, so it needs to be 5x6 minimum to be considered average sized. To be fair I think it's done purposely to make you consider how to lay out your base best to make up for long distance since the game would be a-lot easier if you could just plonk 3x2s everywhere with no mood penalties.
Honestly though I'd prefer if the "low expectations" mood actually disabled some negative moods such as cramped space instead of giving you a flat bonus, it makes no sense that they're freaking out about a 3x3 room right after surviving a crash landing.

You literally come here bragging about how you lowered the difficulty and how much better it is. You’re one “and that’s a good thing!” away from being a Kotaku headline, be bad at games if you want but please keep it to yourself.

>rescue quests will pop up like hotcakes
I've managed to get one rescue quest but managed to get my one colonist get killed in the process

>hoping that at least one raider gets downed
can prisoners be turned to your side?

If you get attacked and knock the person out without killing them, then you can right click on them and capture them (You will need a prisoner assigned bed or prisoner medical bed) Then somebody will tend to them and you have the option to try an convince them to join.
I Don't bother growing during the cold season, better to stock up as much food as you can in a freezer, unless you really want to set up an indoor growing area or hydroponics. For me, summer is the hoarding season and winter is the building season. To be fair though I usually start in fairly moderate climates I hate playing in deserts or ice sheets.

>one guys is eating in this big ass table fully chaired
They really need to tweak the mood system because it's dumb as fuck. Why is wearing tainted shit aviable by default when not suffering fromit is the exception, not the rule?

>You literally come here bragging about how you lowered the difficulty and how much better it is.
Literally, non-jokingly, quote the part where I implied that.Like, for real, do it.
All I said was that this game is made to be played how you want, and invalidating others is stupid. Playing naked brutality commitment hardcore randy is good, just as modding the game and going chill time is.

dude, you're a horrible person. I feel bad for the people who know you in real life.

>Randy Random is hard
No not another manhunter pack! Please Randy how could I ever kill 6 wild housecats! NOOOOOOOO!

I guess you actually meant comfy negatively, my mistake.

Wait so has the lastest update messed up the game, whats the last one thats good? havent played in a year

Who else here hates cheat mods? I exclusively use QoL stuff like Stack XXL, fishing, Rimworld of Magic.

objectivity doesn't exist user. Just deluded infants that want to claim merit to their views.

You're confusing multiple dropships, infestations, and crash ship parts in a row, with manhunter packs user. stop acting like a little sperg.

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me too, the only ((cheat)) mod i use is the realistic room one

Only mod I got currently is common sense, just makes colonists clean up after themselves, basically keeps me from having to prioritize cleaning jobs everywhere.

If you have enough margin of error to not be fucked by losing people you need to turn up the difficulty, unless the people you lost were fresh recuits or rolled especially bad stats.

I never fucking get that cool shit. I just get plague after plague of fucking animal and it's usually lame animals like cats or rabbits. The most dangerous animal Randy attacked me with was a single warg. 1! singular!
I WANT all the crazy shit but I never get it.

I got less fuck-you event combos with Randy than I did with mid-late game Cassandra. Randy's problem is dumping events that fuck your farm production in the early game, before you've got enough cash handy to just buy up 1000 units of rice from your neighbors.

I never said it would be easy, that's the point,I wanted the challenge. Anyway I purposely didn't send out any caravans for the first three years until I knew I could stand to lose the people I sent out.

Objectivity exist when there's an authority that is stablished as the mediator or judge or an external, constant factor exist to provide a reference.
But in order for objectivity arguments to be valid they ned to come from other sources other than my shiny ass and usually more than 1 reference to create a palpable pattern of what the standard could be.
I can objectively say a spoon with thorns on the grip is bad if it was made for the same propuse as any other spoon and using it gives me a harder than than the standart.

The arguments of objectivity/subjectivity usually fall flat as 90% of people will just point out the things that happen and how they dislike it without providing any reasoning on why such situation is bad.
This discussion, for example, someone claimed playing the game on easy is bad, but nobody argued why.

>Randy gives you cold snap, toxic fallout and mechanoid cluster all at once
oh fuck
>30s later, both the cold snap and toxic fallout stop, a raid comes, fighbts the mechanoids and kill each other.
Okay Randy.

low expectations does exactly what you describe
it's just an arbitrary way to explain to the player that no tables/sleeping on the ground/getting cucked doesn't really matter because they're too terrified of dying immediately

>just a joke bro
it’s over

>first time playing without savescumming
It is much more fun and sometimes frustrating. Never thought you can survive absolutely dead end situations.
>two colonists fight each other
>one died from blood loss because I didn't notice bleeding
>toxic shit
>entire map is on fire

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absolute objectivity doesn't exist, but people are talking about relative objectivity when they mention thus