

Attached: owl.png (1028x515, 1.11M)

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Owlo what is this?

Didn't they fix this a while ago?

How do you even pronounce this

Under Water Ray Romano.

Camyu? More like...

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no its like that in the other two games

Should I pick up the Utawarerumono series in bulk when this drops?

Is it? That would be pretty bad. Are you just trying to fool me user?

sadly not

The chaddest protagonist ever

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reminds me Karura is now Kowrula


no no im just joking its actually Karulau. for some fucking reason

His name is supposed to be romanized Ainu. Ainu culture likes clothes and language are like the biggest influences on the setting. 15 years and people still don't get the point and transliterate the kana instead, when the official Japanese media literally spells it out every chance it gets.
Hakuowlo literally means white emperor in Ainu.

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To be fair, even Karura is feels finicky to me. カルラ is how you'd type Carla in Japanese and Carla is an actual name so I always saw it as that.

I have been following the series for a while even though never played one while waiting for this remake, and glad to know all the fear mongering was bullshit

tfw no qt ainu gf

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>that one user who says it's based on ainu like he's saying something nobody knows
Also, prove it to me that owlo is a word in Ainu. Exactly like this.

you called?

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Why do people like this anime? Or is the VN that much better because it is pretty basic.

When the ruck was this even coming out in english

It's just supposed to look like romanized Ainu to fit the setting more and sound "exotic", I don't think it's a real word. I've went through Ainu-English dictionaries just to check.

Next month

VN is actually a SRPG, it's a simple but fun one.

Ouro/Owlo is just the title for Emperor in Utawarerumono.

Hakuårå. If you know what Å sounds like you also know how that nip O with a line over it sounds.

The VN trilogy is the best I've ever read while the anime is so fucking bad I had to force myself to finish it.

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I want s3 out already so we can all make fun of it like s2

Good so it's not just me that thinks the anime is trash? It is just so basic and one note with all the characters. Haven't played the vn like I said yet but I got the impression while watching that they had to have cut out character interactions.

I'd rather have a new game. Too bad they went with gachashit.

The anime removes all atmosphere and character building, it also skips some really important scenes and dumbs everything down. Some people say the first anime season is fine but I strongly disagree.

the games are trash for coomers. Main protag is your basic generic guy from hentai movies.

Only if you just look at the surface of it. The two final games in the trilogy doesn't even have any H-scenes.

Fix what?


i was bored after first half of the first game where he fought wars with some generic anime villains while every living breathing creature with a vagina wanted his dick. If i wanted cringe like this i would just play Rance

Is it worth playing in the game if I've only ever watched the anime?
The anime was just "fine" but I liked the setting enough.

Play the first one on PC. It's very old now but it's worth it if you plan on playing the godlike sequels. The anime doesn't do the worldbuilding justice at all.

pretty sure they confirmed new gameS. Season 3 is coming this year, I hope they get rid of the garbage director. Nigger didn't even play the game.

What about it?

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I've recently finished the entire Utawarerumono trilogy and I dare to say this is one of the best stories I have ever experienced in a video game. First one was meh, I liked Mask of Deception, but my heart literally shat itself on pic related and after finishing it I spent 2 hours crying. jesus christ what a game.

Thank you for this gift, Yas Forums. I will remember this game forever.

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I've only heard rumors about a prequel set in the time when Genjimaru and Tuskur were young but I don't know if anything happened with that project.

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That's what I figured.

>First one was meh
I hope you die in a fire.

>this scene
>scene instantly after that with Rululieth who caught you saying she'll wait for you forever

I wasn't ready for these feels.

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