No one actually believes this will happen, right?

Nin "That'll be $60 for a GB remake, thanks" tendo, selling you FOUR upgraded mainline MARIOS at normal MSRP? That'll be the day.

Attached: images - 2020-04-15T074342.815.jpg (435x705, 96.69K)

Throw in Mario Bros Wii, it was over saturated when they made the third later but it was still a fun game desu.

You're hedging your bets, are you?

No way in hell they would package them all together

well, if they made an engine and used it for all 4 games, each one being like a level pack... it could be possible

No, who could possibly want to replay Sunshine? that game is fucked.

They would release each game individually for regular MSRP and Nintendo fans would lap it up. They would be foolish to release a compilation like that in this day and age.

I mean I'd love if this happened. But folks are talking of it like it's a done deal thanks to all the rumors affirming it's coming. And I can't for the life of me believe the same Nintendo that charged us MORE for a rerelease of Tropical Freeze and gave us a remake of a single GB Zelda for full price is now generous enough to give us four classic Mario's for the price of one. They've gotten away with charging full price for less revered, beloved games individually.

> super mario allstars 2 is just all the new super mario bros games in one collection

Exactly. I maybe could lend some credence to this if Link's Awakening hadn't just happened. Hell, Xenoblade.

This would make much more sense and would actually be a smart way to sell NSMB shit to those of us who wouldn't ever buy them a piece.

I didnt play the others except 64 so I would buy this sold my switch, but might have to buy another with my Trump bucks. Thanks based user for alerting me of this.

You forgot New Super-

Nintendo doesn't have the work ethic to remaster all those game once, they would need like a whole development cycle just for one game

Yeah, but why didn't they do it with NSMBU Deluxe then

In all fairness the original All Stars omitted World, with goes well with this rumor claiming 3D World is gonna be sold on it's own.
A hypothetical NSMB collection could focus on the DS, Wii and 3DS games. Throw in the minigames from DS and you're golden.

Wouldn't happen because they already sold NSMBUD for $60 on its own. Jewtendo treats their EAD games like gold and seldom if ever put their Mario/Zelda games in collections.

It'll be a line of games instead of a package.

Yeah, maybe so. But that's if it even happens

No, but it should

Attached: 1584755465598.png (1024x267, 310.98K)

There is no reason whatsoever to believe they are intending to sell them as a bundle

only if they're straight ports

Sunshine has some pretty fun levels with a few exceptions

Attached: melon.jpg (1280x720, 132.8K)

I don't since I'm not a retard.
I CAN believe they are remaking them, but if that's true that means they wille be FOUR separate games, $60 each for a total of $240 BUUUUUUT you can buy the SPECIAL MARIO BUNDLE where you pay $230 for all 4 of them except this way you get a physical version of Galaxy 2 and the other 3 games are digital codes.
You know this is how it would turn out.

Attached: 1574935442692.jpg (750x750, 29K)

Who remembers when Nintendo sold a SNES rom on a Wii disc for $30 and it wasn't even the full version of that SNES rom?

Attached: Super-Mario-All-Stars-Limited-Edition.jpg (768x768, 51.93K)

yeah it just sounds too good to be true.
modern nintendo is too lacy to remake games like n64 or sunshine

Shitton of rumors across the industry claiming as much.
Of course it's not like journos haven't been schooled before.

I can see the Galaxies getting bundled. They don't need much more than a resolution bump and an adjustment of the controls to make up for the loss of Wiimote.

this but unironically

They didn't approve of Luigi sliding on his knees like a fucking Rockstar.

Attached: iCFaxk03yixzxhSX7qt46ZGPX2A50Uwq0jXjltxfRac.png (148x218, 32.71K)

HD upscales feels entirely possible

Actual remakes, not so much unless they are selling them separately full price each

>Mario Direct
>Mario 3D collection
>3D World Deluxe
>Mario Golf
>Super Mario party 2
>Paper Mario Switch
>new 2D mario (not NSMB shit)
>big update to Mario Maker 2
>last announcement is pic related

Attached: smo2miniklkwh.png (756x440, 290.81K)

I remember getting this as a kid thinking it was all the old games in NSMB style and being so disappointed

>selling you FOUR upgraded mainline MARIOS at normal MSRP?
Three, and only Mario 64 will get any noticeable graphical enhancements. Sunshine and Galaxy will just be upressed. So, yeah, I can imagine it

Mario 64 will be the 3DS version upscaled

That would be unbelievably kino

>Mario 64 will be the 3DS version upscaled
Do you mean the DS version? And if so then that's even less work for Nintendo, but the game would look truly abysmal stretched out on a big screen so I think they'll do some more notable visual improvements to that game. Sunshine and Galaxy will be barely any work at all though

They've already done stuff like this in the past

>as a kid

I'm 24.

The Wii is 12 years old

>in NSMB style
Technically All Stars is on pair with the New series in terms of being dull but still that is some shitty wishing

He could have been 7 when the Wii came out and he'd be an adult today, grandpa.

It's 14 years old later this year

>still that is some shitty wishing
Not really. If Nintendo wasn't Nintendo it would totally be in the realm of possibilities.

Most of the games share assets and the ones that don't can still use the base game code. They could have it done in a year