Name a better combat system in action genre
Name a better combat system in action genre
i cant bro...
Actual action games like God Hand, Bayonetta, DMC, Wonderful 101...etc
Sekiro is hilariously shallow.
>Completely passive combat where attacking is discouraged and pretty much useless on its own
>You have to wait for the enemy attacks and press L1 until a deathblow marker appears
Sekiro may have the most realistic sword combat in any game, but that's what makes it so boring.
even MGR has better combat. Sekiro is a meme.
It's subjective. Present a metric first. Better in what aspect/s?
Almost any other japanese action game. Ninja Gaiden, Dragon's Dogma, Nioh, MGR etc
Did you play it? Sekiro rewards aggression and it's in no way realistic.
DMC is a combo simulator, not an action game.
>Sekiro rewards aggression
This meme again. No it doesn't because enemies superarmor through your attacks and kill you.
Attacking is only useful to "wake up" the CPU when it stops attacking.
Every human enemy in the game is forced into blocking when attacked. Every human enemy in the game has easier to deal with options out of deflecting you compared to their options out of neutral.
I like it, simple and straight forward. No dumb combos where you basically stop the game to input a series of commands.
You see an attack coming, you react and counter.
To me it seems like less is more when it comes to action combat, muh deep combos are just filler you have to "master" even though it adds nothing to the game other than a cheap spectacle.
for honor
Usually games give you move lists to use on shallow enemies. Sekiro gives move lists to your enemies and you have to work off of them. I like sekiro's approach a lot.
The whole point of the game's combat system is to break the opponent's posture meter, which will then let you land the death blow. If you wait around and play passively, their posture meter will fill back up which is the game's way of punishing you for playing passively. Please actually play the game.
>Every human enemy in the game is forced into blocking when attacked.
That aint true. Bandit Axemen and Isshin phase 2 will happily hyper armour through your attack and smash your face in if you get overly greedy with your attacks. I don't think the hyper armour is a bad thing, but I do wish they did more to notify you when it was active
There's only select few moves with hyper armor on them.
Off the top of my head, Isshin phase 2, bandits with axes, and all the ministry troops wielding nodachi have it on basically every attack.
Sekiro fans will shit on this .webm, calling it "anime jumping simulator"
By that logic Sekiro is a parry simulator, not an action game.
Better than what is literally a sped up bamham system?
Basically anything. Even turn based games are more exciting. Sekiro is good for exactly one playthrough just so you can see most of the shit and explore the world, but I can't ever see myself finishing it again.
Sekiro fan here. That webm looks cool, what game is it? I want to get in on that shit.
Bandits with axes don't have magic hyper armor - they have physical, visible, actual armor.
So you can shit on it like you do on every game that isn't Sekiro? Nah, find that game on your own.
It's not like it's hard to do with a reverse image search.
Never said the had magic armour. Just pointing out that they don't block your shit, they just eat it until they attack with a fuck ton of hyper armour (they'll fucking laugh off an uncharged Dragon Flash)
You said hyper armor with no visual indicator. I am calling you wrong - their armor is clearly visible on their bodies, protecting them from harm.
>Positioning doesn't matter
>no thought goes into offense, just mash R1 until enemy deflects, then either deflect, jump or mikiri
>tools and combat arts are all worthless
>reverse image search
>result is Eminem Darkness
interesting game
im still embarrsed but thios guy filtered me hard i think in nioh 1 lihgtning guy made me quit
i play 2 now hope i play good and no quit
>enemies should be punching bags for my combos
aggression with timing, always be on the offensive and look for opening
Less is more. Designing a game around just one core gameplay feature is a good thing.
I play fighting games and enjoy action game and sekiro combat system is shit, I liked the series of games for the weighty combat and atmosphere though. If a game has good combat you'll come the fuck back to it regardless of difficulty. Agni rudra on dmc3 is a good example of difficulty but good combat makes it worth it.
That's not aggression; it's a waiting game.
Bloodborne is an aggressive game; Sekiro isn't.
attacking frequently changes their attack patterns. every enemy has some priority and some interruptible attacks. you won't interrupt them if you aren't on the offensive. stop being salty.
>parry as core mechanic
>in action game
Get out retard.
You can't name something that doesn't exit.
I used every single prosthetic during my playthroughs and found uses for every one of them. Not every upgrade, maybe, but every tool has its use.
I love how people complain about Demon of Hatred when Malcontent completely trivializes him by removing a whole phase of the fight.
The game is about the enemies' movesets, not yours.
>less is more
I've played Sekiro to death and it's my favorite game in a long time, but its rather shallow. Games with more moves and weapons have arguably better combat systems.