Finally she looks like a real Jill

Finally she looks like a real Jill

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good goy

At least Crapcom should learn to stick to a specific image for their characters. Shit is fucking ridiculous after all these games and decades.

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now i will buy her game

That's a man

Haha holy shit these are the people that say nu-Jill has an ugly manface.

looks absolutely terrible

Perfect, just the way I remember her.

Enjoy your skorts trannies and dilate.

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>calls other people trannies while modding vidya women into men
It's okay user, you can come out of the closet anytime

I will now buy your game

But op posted a trans girl

vothfags are retards

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>police girl outfit
Once again fans do what Crapcom can't.

This but with Julia Voth face please

>Enjoy your skorts trannies and dilate.
Even as a non-native speaker, I hate what Yas Forums is doing to the English language

Looks like a cheap tranny

That face looks so low poly and atrocious I don't know why they even bothered modding it into the game, but whatever gets your rocks off, buddy.

>obviously mixed race


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Looks weird compared to her pretty RE5 face

i'm a voth fag and think nujill is ugly, but that looks fucking awful

Jill is actually also mixed. She is half french half nip according to an interview.

she looks half brazilian native tribe and half white in the OP

Listen, I love Voth Jill to death, she's unironically best girl.

But this mod looks like fucking shit, it looks like her face is made out of plastic and/or she's wearing a skin mask.

I've got nothing against Voth or people that want to mod Jill's face back to hers, but this looks fucking awful. Like holy shit that is bad.
This actually looks fine.

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>real jill
that's not inezh though

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Some part me is happy that they didn't sully Jill Voth's pretty face with the disgusting beastiality Hentai looking moment.

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Is there a mod so that Jill looks like this :

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someone post the sekrit jill mods

also, voth jill was good, but the original RE3 jill was #1

Can we stop with this live-action meme? Her real name is most likely not even "Inezh".

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what would you do Yas Forums

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fucking vothfags i swear

Fuck off with that monstrosity. Where is the true Vothbro?

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Her shoulders are too broad in this one. Broader than her hips.

Looks not much better and too old

like real voth lololol