Looks like, kino is back on the menu

Looks like, kino is back on the menu.
Retail chads still not tired of winning ;)

Attached: shadowlands.jpg (1280x720, 200.9K)

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Remember, WoW is like smoking, quit it now be a real chad.

i refuse to believe people still play this for """"fun""""

They don't. They play it because they are attached manchilds

I'm not gonna lie, I have already pre-ordered. I swore I would never touch WoW again after burning out a month into BFA, but here we are. Fuck this game, seriously.

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>supporting a chink company

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Half of cutting edge raiders on EU servers are boosters, so WoW is pretty much a job for them.

Dunno how bad it's on NA realms.


nigger are you retarded? Give me a tl;dr of that crap

i mean it's the logical step. get cutting edge, then start selling runs for desperate people with gold, easy money.


Looks nothing like Warcraft

pick uno

Because I have fun a while until I burn out. I can barely enjoy any other games these days so having fun is a rare thing.

Why is shadowlands so sunny?

I was so happy when I finally found a way to delete my account without going through the "mail your ID to China" part.


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Not him but tl:dr
user wants his account deleted and sent the same link which apparently works and is a complete faggot while doing so. While the request is pending to delete his account, user shows that he's mentally 8 by berating someone who works for a company he doesn't like to delete it now instead of waiting for the pending request to be complete, and then ends it by calling the worker a faggot when he was truly the faggot all along.

Just as bad if not worse. Carry selling is a plague upon WoW. You'll find that anyone who denies this or defends boosting is a carry seller.

It's funny how WoW's poster boy Asmongay preaches on and on about how people should earn this and that and that handouts have ruined WoW, but then turns around and sells carries.

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you feel the need to delete an account you'll never use again.

>for gold
I wish. Selling boosts in WoW nets you much more than average monthly wage if you live in some shithole. It's literally their job (main source of income).

Customer service are made for bullying.

God damn that looks like shit.

Might actually be best.
Retards like him don't have any self-control and feel incredible when they stick it to the man.
What happens is that they delete every product they have already bought, which hurts the company how? Chances are the same user will ask for his account to be restored and if not will buy the games again under the delusion of a "fresh start".

It's a problem even in classic, just for leveling dungeons. It's almost impossible to find a legitimate group. I really think MMO communities in general are just damaged beyond repair

this pissed me off so much. blizz have excellent customer service and i've had nothing but good, swift responses in the many years i've been a customer. the fucking execs and chinks have nothing to do with cs reps, fuck these stupid reddit faggots

Bastion is definitely the weaker zone in shadow lands

atleast untill they show us the furry forest

it unironically looks pretty good systems wide so far
not sure about the content, maps look small and torghast being good will make or break it
maybe bfa just set my standards really loow

this, I also only have fun with wow. classic or retail doesnt matter.... but i just cant enjoy other games

WOTLK was the last good expan
Change my mind

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Looks good to me and I didn't even touch BFA or WOD

MOP has better raids, class design, world content and PVP.

So far so they have shown zero new features for this expansion. And no, giving you new abilities and then taking them away later doesn't count.

So long as they work for Blizzard, they support the chinks.

Thorghast and who the fuck cares about new features. MOP was one of the best expansions and it has 0 new features.

>china expansion
Go back.

Mop introduced a new race and a new class, thats two big fucking features that Shadowlands doesn't have

you fucking nigger

WoW died when they added flying

>using racial slurs
yikes a doodle and go back to Yas Forums you fucking nazi

No community.


Race is not content and pandas are explicitly a blight on the game. Die pandashills

slit your throat furnigger

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they are.

t. worked as CS at GOG for 2 years. was always treated like shit. now is my turn.

(but seriously, whenever someone became aggressive with us, boss man told us to solve their issue ASAP, so its a legit technique.)

>MOP was one of the best expansions and it has 0 new features.
Pandaren Race - Feature
Monk Class - Feature
Talent System Revamp - Feature
Pet Battles - Feature
Scenarios - Feature
Challenge Modes - Feature


The game is going full SJW.

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cant wait to RP an african rapist *smacks lips*
