Will your PC run it at 60fps on Ultra?

Will your PC run it at 60fps on Ultra?

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maybe medium at 60fps lol

I don't play videogames, I just pretend I do so I can contribute to threads on Yas Forums


>Will your PC run it
no, you can keep it thanks

>rtx 2070 super


>1070 8gb
No, probably not. But at 1080p it'd probably do fine at high settings. I play at 1440 the majority of the time though, probably be a mix of medium/high settings, like most games. I'm hoping to upgrade before then but if not I'll probably be alright, it's gonna run on current consoles.

No because devs will botch it


I doubt my pc would run it but I also don't think I'd play it if it was free. From the early Webms I saw I don't think I'm the target audience at all. Also, while The Witch looked nice, had some cool monsters and quests, I didn't enjoy the gameplay and don't like open worlds as a rule.

>RX 570
I hope I'm able to run it on at least 1080p/medium 60fps since Doom Eternal ran fine on Ultra while getting 60fps

>Will your PC run it at 60fps on Ultra?
I am hoping for 30fps at low.

Attached: i cry evry time.png (2000x2000, 41.88K)

>GTX 1070
>i5 6600k

my graphics card is great but my CPU will not be able to run it very well. I can't even run Assassin's creed Odyssey at a frame rate higher than 30fps on lower settings. 2560x1080 display.

Nope, but im gonna wait until August at least and see the new cards. Last time i upgraded was for MGS5.

They putted the fucking Witcher 3 with expansions in the Switch, it will be optimized.


Should be fine I think, upgraded in December for it.

...and it's perfectly fine, here's why

Nobodies will, unless you’re running it at 1080 then yes, enjoy the choppy 40-60 on that 2080Ti

Is making DRM-free games the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than making DRM-free games. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are planning, programming and marketing a game for at least a year solely so it can be released and pirated without even having to be cracked by a hacker. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little game - the invested capital, optimizing the performance, making sure the console ports are working, paying your writers and programmers. All of it has one simple result: the gameplay is more enjoyable for the scumbags that will eventually download it for free.

Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random neckbeard who likes it and donates you something for your affords. He gets to enjoy your product. He gets the benefits of it's recreational value and interesting story that came from the way you designed it.

As a game-developer without DRM, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least years of your life simply of game design and coding for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

No it's ancient now

I have a 2080 ti and a 144hz 1440p monitor im not worried.

>Will your PC run it
It could, but it won't.
I'm not playing that shit.

>using presets ever
>using ultra when it's just upscaled 8k textures

>Chromatic Aberration and Blur enabled

GTX 1080 and a Ryzen 3600. I'll probably need to knock down AA a bit.

*cries in 920M*

With the upcoming downgrade?
Yeah i'm pretty sure it will.

Attached: 1216171271.jpg (546x847, 159.7K)

Maybe a few years after launch, but I remember Witcher 3's downgrades when it first came out. Given that they are going with a console 1st approach again, I doubt CDPR learned it's lesson.

It will have RTX features so only those with a 2080ti will be able to.

Many studies actually point quite the contrary, illiterate user. Piracy has actually a possitive effect on videogame sales, be it through social media, direct influence or simply because many of those who pirate games end up buying them.
It seems that videogame industry is pretty aware of this reality and act acccordingly.
Trying to translate it to some kind of loss of honor, purity or homoerotic phobia frame just shows your own insecurities. Go meet somebody on Grindr already faggot.

My pc isn't even going to install it

1 day more to go anons.

Yes, at 540p

It depends on the optimization most games i can run on a mix of high and ultra but Doom Eternal fucked me up i can only run it on low to get 60 fps