Crusader Kings 3 adds child sexuality preference

Crusader Kings 3 adds child sexuality preference.

>"But remember, it's only a problem when Japanese games do it!"

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>Paradox games
Well thats your own fault

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What does playing with both girls and boys as a child have to do with sexuality?

Current and progressive!

small children don't have sexual preferences

Its only the next logical step. Swedes already try to turn boys into girls in some (if not all) kindergartens and teach them about sex. I can not imagine the amount of complacency and hedonism it takes for the the general public to accept this and not erupt in anger or protests.

Subhumans like this should be publicly lynched instead they're being tolerated and encouraged.

'playing intimate games'

I remember playing with dolls and wrestling naked when I was 6.
Guess I have to be a dick smoking faggot now.

Devs were molested as children and haven't yet realised that their experiences were not normal.

about time

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So you can play as realistic Anglos now?

and what is that? looking at each others dicks?

CK2 already did that.

>implying that devs will allow hetero sex with minors
>even when its historically approved

what kind of intimate games did you play as a child, Yas Forums?

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Imagine the mods

I wanna know more about these intimate games

based swedes always taking it to the next level

>Intimate games

>Liberals: we want to destroy gender norms!
>Also liberals: you play with dolls? that must mean you're actually a faggot!

probably sucking off some dudes on the street or something

Super Mario 64

goldeneye 64 with friends

white women fuck teddies

This sounds like some freud shit, how did he get away with everything and hailed as a hero for basically being a massive fucking faggot

there are already plenty of sex mods for older paradox games

Been years since I last played, how did it work in CKII? Did you just reach adulthood then get a "Bobby, you're gay." popup?

>15 year old gays don't exist

interesting take, but I suppose this is Yas Forums

it's correct

It's not a problem at all.

The sheer hypocrisy, though...

>Crusader Kings 3 adds child sexuality preference.
you could be gay in ck2 faggot

the kid looks 10

>game where the majority of actual gameplay is spreadsheet number comparison

The anti-SJW squads never-ending search for things to offend them amazes me.

I bet half the retards calling this out have a stash of trap porn or read trap heantai doujin.

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There is nothing wrong with being a pedosexual.

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the one where half the people had a balloon tied to their rear end and half of them were competing on who can pop the balloon fastest by thrusting their pelvis into it.
the balloon people were typically girls.

why does she look like a Sub Saharan African?

Seeing as children have sexual preferences, the game allows you to fuck said children yeah?


>nuParadox games
I wish, but after HoI3 they casualize nearly everything.
What actually angers me is amount of hypocrisy on Johans part when I can't marry&breed a 13 y/o (unless I force concubinage as a unwashed pagan), but she can still decide to be gay.

Wow just like in CK2 and CK1
Why do you need to feel outraged about games you don't even play?

>playing intimate games with other children

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let me guess you start as a child in the game and develop attraction through your child/teens years and everybody jumps conclusion that it must be related to pedophilia? Is my take on this outrage correct?

game actually looks somewhat based you can reform pagan religions into organized faiths and dab on the Christians.

Think it happened more in adolescence like 12-15 so doesn't look far off OP's pic to be honest.

>you can reform pagan religions into organized faiths
you understand of course that religion becomes bad as soon as it's organized religion?
you're defeating christcucks by becoming the exact same thing.

fuck sweden and their retarded sociological abortions
piece of shit country, good luck not dying en masse because muh herd immunity

>Pagan LARPers
>if we could only capture this few territories, we could make our religion actually make sense and totally beat ChristCHADS