This is the best JRPG of the generation

This is the best JRPG of the generation

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Yeah maybe if it was the only JRPG you played this generation

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A good thing nobody bought it because it's an EA roster update for $60, where the 15 hours of new story (filler) content thrown at the last palace in the last month of the game. Mister Atlus USA localization branch made sure to include as many censorship as Resetera decreed to be nice to homosexuals and trannies.

Fuck you.

What an awful generation then

I dont like how easy DQ is now, campsites and MP regen when level up were a mistake
I know nobody played DQ for difficulty but I didnt enjoy 11 as much as I though I would

Jesus Christ no.

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This gen barely had any.

Bought it yesterday. It's amazing but I hate that P4 Protag is DLC.

Persona 5 isn't even a PS4 game, it's a PS3 JRPG ported to it. Nothing about it was made from scratch for the PS4.

It is a travesty that a definitive edition still has DLC you have to buy separately.

Persona 5 Royal is a Ps4 exclusive, that's a fact and no amount of coping wilk change it.

XC2 was better

And P3 was the better nu-persona

Yeah I got pretty angry about all the DLC p5r still has. Like come on Atlus, it's the definitive version.

P3 Ultimate soon.......

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feels more like a dating sim with rpg elements

>Put on SEES costumes
>music changes to BABY BABY BABY
Neat. First time playing it

Play on Draconian.

If you're bullshitting me I will rape your family.

I did all it does it crank the RNG to 11, if the bosses dont crit you then you win and its not that hard, if bosses are having a bad day then you die over and over to crits

babies first rpg

Different costumes will change the battle music and victory music. All the P1-4 costumes play their respective themes. Raidou plays raidou theme etc.


Personally, I miss the Main character having a little bit of a different choice of weapons. Swords and greatswords are fine, but where's the spears and Boomerangs?

I don't think so OP

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whoops meant for

Not even the best Final Fantasy of this generation.

I think even mediocre Tales games are significantly better than most JRPGs that Yas Forums wanks endlessly like FF, DQ and Persona but P5 isn't bad. Never liked social links but the dungeons and battles are fun. I hope the next SMT game is good.

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And Pikachu mascot to be more mainstream and commercial

I don believe you. I will try it after my work shift is over.

The ps4 version is god awful.

The switch version isn't exactly much different.

You can listen to the themes on youtube man.

>liking action "rpgs"
Opinion discarded. Fuck off outta here tales faggot.

Your games are shit.

Never met someone who hated action RPGs before, what's your hold-up?

Weird how this board has always agreed that Marche was right but now you idiots are trying to say that Joker is wrong even though its the same thing.
Its never going to take off buddy
Escapism is wrong

That's not Xenoblade X

>has to work for mr. shekelstein during the outbreak

Well I'll admit I haven't played World of FF but I can't imagine it topping FF7R

That doesnt even feel like a fun game outside a couple bosses and there is so much BS in between those moments
I could never replay it, while I replay the original all the time

Wrong. Or else Xenoblade definitive, Smash Ultimate or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would be considered switch exclusive. We have to sacrify P5 to keep shitposting about the switch.

>but persona 5 isn't bad
P5 is equivalent to the Skyrim of Elderscrolls.

Absolute joke of a writing and it's only saving grace is the ZOOM ZOOM style and modern polish.

For a game developed for ~5 anything new to the franchise and took massive dump in writing.

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Wagecucks like me never stop.

The best part about working home office is that I can be here all day and I work like 3 hours a day, the rest of my shift I just shitpost.

i like persona 5 and xenoblade chronicles 2 a lot

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It's the usual AAA. It throws big money at the screen to get good reviews since reviewers play a game like once but it doesn't offer any depth or replay value for the average player.

>liking cringeblades Chronicles 2
Get the fuck out.

Not him but Im not a fan because of how button mashy they tend to feel

I work from home too but if I wanted to play something, I'd do it. Today, I was playing Stellaris while running Agile workshops.

The big majority of P5 players never touched any other Atlus game. Their opinion don't count.

Snoys should try playing more than 1 game in the genre before proclaiming as suchl.

P5 fags are the niggers of jrpg fanbases

That's because you're button mashing.
If you didn't mash and actually constructed combos and made battles experimentation while you played around with connecting moves then you'd probably have more fun. Same logic as DMC games. You can absolutely win those games by mashing too.

But why do that when button mashing is as effective if not more
I guess thats why they arent for me

No, this is

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>But why do that when button mashing is as effective if not more
Because it's not as effective and probably never will be. You can mash ineffective moves against enemies resistant to your attacks while refusing to dodge, block or sidestep all you want but you'll just be wasting time.
>I guess thats why they arent for me
Yeah fair enough, they're not for everyone.

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>But why do that when button mashing is as effective if not more
Same reason why you aim for weaknesses in turn based games rather than spam neutral moves.