What do you think of Bowsette?
What do you think of Bowsette?
I think those tits are too big, she's too old and you're a dumb coomer.
I like fuckin big American teetas
i think you should kill yourself tranny
Shortest-lived fad ever.
I like it. Can you still get banned for posting Bowsette?
Kinda cute
Got tired of seeing it spammed literally everywhere
Booette is way better
I sure hope so, maybe some bans for continued spamming of their unwanted coomer shit would finally mean never seeing this shit on Yas Forums again
click the arrow next to op post, 'off topic', and do your part ro make it happen!
Stop being jelly of bowsette's betterness.
Porn has been a part of Yas Forums since day one ya fucking prune. Get the fuck out of here.
She cute, but I like the Chomp more.
The alternettes were the best part.
I have almost 3000 pictures of her saved
Lame. Bowser is already sexy as he is. Also, Tsudanym's/Short Blue Imp's FemBowser is infinitely sexier.
Peach as a Koopa girl is cuter and hotter than Bowser as a tranny. Bowser is cuter as his on model beer gut daddy design he's always had.
Still has a dedicated thread on /d/ and /vg/ the last time I looked, seethe harder.
She's great and make Yas Forumstard seethe
That's nice, but that doesn't mean you can post it on Yas Forums
unfortunately it seems like mods are busy not doing their fucking job again, so here we are
She's vidya since fangames exist.
In Yas Forums or in general?
Because in Yas Forums specifically, her fad was eagerly killed by Yas Forumsedditors and she was ostracized to /vg/.
True, but you were also exiled from Yas Forums for spamming/flooding thread after thread and even hijacking threads when you refused to leave after mods told you to get the fuck out for being a nuisance.
So, even though it's technically vidya, it doesn't belong on Yas Forums and will never be welcome on Yas Forums again. Sorry!
Goodbye now, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Also reminder to everyone seeing this sad display to report the OP and other posts with Bowsette in it for 'Off-topic' or 'low quality', the mods do (eventually) get off their butts to take out trash like this thread but only if you report it.
Boo is better
It feels like mods don't give a fuck about Yas Forums anymore. Anime and thinly veiled porn threads rarely get deleted. There are multiple ones that are up right now for hours.
Not against the rules to post Bowsette, your posts on the other hand are offtopic and calling for reports is not allowed.
If mods think this thread needs to be moved they can do so.
OP is a tranny.
pass it on.
Encouraging others to report off-topic garbage like this isn't against the rules.
And yes, Bowsette is against the rules, because mods previously declared Bowsette verboten on Yas Forums when they had to spend almost an entire day forcing you out of Yas Forums while you shit up the board for literal hours. So until they say otherwise, you can take a fucking hike back to /vg/ or anywhere else where you are actually allowed to post this shit.
They keep crawling back trying to sneak back into Yas Forums but Yas Forums has not forgotten and neither have I. I see Bowsette garbage, I report their thread and all of their posts while encouraging others to do the same and tell them to get the fuck out. Simple as that. Most of the times mods agree because I'm sure they haven't forgotten what they had to put up with back then either.
mods = fags
>Anime and thinly veiled porn threads rarely get deleted
Good. Your shitty political threads complaining about races and women should be deleted though.
It's only weird because I remember when this same zealotry was held for Touhou.
And now there's a thread about Touhou here every now and then. Only pisses me off because those faggots act like they weren't exiled from Yas Forums for a long time and act like they've always been welcome.
Frankly I'd rather they get their asses up and do shit about the low-quality and bait threads. There IS potential for a decent discussion here as long as they ignore people like you but is still up with explicit CG and all.
i agree, they are generally worthless human beings, but occasionally they do something good, like shitcanning Bowsette crap and sending them running to /vg/ with their tails in between their legs.
If you're just coming in wondering what the deal is, please report the OP post for 'Off-topic'. It only takes a few seconds!
The threads were deleted and send to /vg/ because they became generals, there is no rule against posting Bowsette on v and since she has fan vidya she's ontopic.
kill yourself my dude