Why was BotW so successful?

Why was BotW so successful?

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Brand recognition, even the shitty CDI games were some of the best selling games on that system.

It wasn't. People only played it because you can play it for free and mod it to play as a cute girl. Still boring as fuck.

none of the other zelda games even came close. botw will end up selling close to 25 million when all is said and done

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because it's a fantastic game and the enormous autists who've been bleeding from the arse for three years on this board aren't representative of the majority of players

Just because you spent millions on a mass marketing campaign promoting your shitty game for kids like skyrim or fortnite doesn't make it successful.

Because it was launch title on a hit console retard, why do you think TP is number two?

BOTW has probably already made over a billion in revenue you retarded faggot. it's still full price 3 years later. Keep crying like the faggot you are

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Twilight Princess didn't even come close to BotW. It's not even a proper comparison considering the Wii sold over 100mil and TP couldn't even crack 10mil you retarded faggot

Which is nothing compared to other hot garbage like fortnite. So what? A turd is a turd, whatever the shitty marketing campaign it has.

This thread is a fascinating and scary insight into the diseased mind of Yas Forumstards.
And i don't even give a shit about BOTW.
But look at this:

>Simple question
>Standard contrarian Yas Forums kneejerk
>Objective proof, asking for any genuine rebuttal
>Complete denial, coping, rejection of reality itself for the sake of keeping the contrarian stance

Repeat for any game that sells well.
Yas Forums is batshit insane at this point.

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a better question would be why does botw create so much butthurt? I've never seen so much denial and anger about a game's quality and I've been posting on vidya forums since the ps2 days

>no arguments
Stay mad, drone.

Because it's the first Zelda game on a new console. Of course it sold like hotcakes.

>It wasn't.
What fucking world are you living in?

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>bringing a game that is free and available on every platform like fortnite
the state of sonygroes

When people who got the game for free and can play a better version of it with 4k 60 fps with better graphics and even fucking mod it still call it a total garbage, you know that something is wrong with the game. Of course it's all """butthurt""" in the eyes of retarded nintendies who never played any actual games in their lives.

BotW is free, you stupid retard, and available on PC, which basically means all platforms, because who cares about console niggers.

Keep seething, cuck

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because nintendo released a new tablet and the normalfags wantonly bought it without knowing what to play

You certainly do, nigger

>reddit meme image instead of arguments
Yeah, keep seething, little fag.

Zoomers deserve death, the game would sell much less if it was on Wii U.

see? look at how angry this bitch is

really strange

I don't, you double nigger. I never played a single zelda trash in my life, except BotW, and it was just a hot garbage.

What else is on Switch that isn't Mario

>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.

This will never not be hilarious.

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They only angry people are nintendies who can't accept any criticism about their shitty games.

Why do people hate BOTW?


You mean the most boring liveless trash where you can't do literally fucking anything besides copy pasted puzzle parts?

>can't accept any criticism

You can't accept that BotW has been crowned the best video game of the decade by EVERYONE.

You can't accept it.

>b-b-b-but muh criticisms!


Whats your favourite video game?

>make the best open world game ever

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I can totally accept that mass marketed turds like fortnite and botw get popular among underage retards. What are you even talking about? That's normal in capitalistic society. Doesn't make them any good.

Yeah, repeat that one more time, tendie. That'll sure make you win the argument.

Faggot zoomer pieces of shit.
>dude!!' You can surf on your fucking shield that is so epic?!!!

That's literally how the cane sold half of its copies. The other half was sold by these three words:
>Open world

Features popularized among literal faggots by Minecraft. Im fucking sick of this hot garbage.


Baby game.

Have fun following that wayfinder arrow to your next objective. Don't get lost now.

Because it's a Zelda game

Nice try, but I don't play console trash.

Listen man, I liked botw too, but mgs3 is a good game, you don't have to diss on it just cause the guy disagreed with you, that's childish.

Absolutely seething.

4 years of cold ice hasn't helped that ass-sting xD

I didn't say MGS3 was a BAD game. But BotW treats me more like an adult.

Its very easy to disingenuously shit on video games isn't it?

>Absolutely seething.
Oh yeas you are, kid.

>Have fun following that wayfinder arrow to your next objective
>Literally describing BOTW

name one better?

because it was a "Zelda" game and jumped in on the open-world empty fields meme.

Casuals, /thread

>n-no u
bitch is mad AND has the wit of a 12 year old pajeet, sad!

botw is hardly succesful because of it's open-world.
that is in fact the worst part of the game and one of the primary reason it's not better.

open world is trash.

>wayfinder icons

At least play the game before talking shit about it.

>no u tier response
>asks for arguments when he never provided one in the first place
Stay butthurt, faggot

Its funny how in 3 years we've gone from

>Nintendo copied the open world meme


>ALL open world games are shit a-anyway!

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Marketing and the game is fun
I was already planning to buy it but the last trailer sold me the fuck up even more

lmao the SEETHE is real

>Why was a launch title on a portable console a successful?
Retard, even 1+2 Switch sold millions despite being utter garbage.

Almost every single open world game is better than this trash. It looks like a cheap indie shit from unexperienced team that tried to make an openworld game but ended up with dead empty world like it's a single player mmorpg. You literally have no motivation to explore because all you have is shitty puzzles and even they are copy pasted from each other. It's like saying that daggerfall was good for it's huge empty space between cities where nothing happens.

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>n-no you
Cry more, nintendie.

>I have no arguments so I better post meme image!
>that'll sure make me look smart!

Did they do marketing that much aside
>delayed game will be eventually good
>console launch
>Zelda brand

F-Zero: Maximum Velocity sold like shit and it was a launch game on a successful portable. Not an argument

This is like listening to a child trying to convince me Goosebumps is a better horror movie than The Exorcist because it has 'cooler monsters and more action'.

Fuck off and educate yourself kiddo.