Left or right?

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in mine or his perspective? but catherine anyway


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Original game was neither, although remake makes it obviously left.



If it had a vagina, then I'd fuck it.


The one girl I didn't expect to like. The girl with zero sex appeal.

right is a huge manipulative bitch
remember she tried to trap you with the "im pregnant" story

This, i fucking hate when woman do this, was a victim of this shit and i almost lost my entire career and my family

mouth and anus are still available


I only picked Katherine because she had a better ending compared to chaotic evil Vincent isn't the same anymore with the blonde Catherine. But it's dawning on me that for just about the entire game the pink Katherine knew she wasn't pregnant and didn't tell you the truth. Using that as leverage to run his life, what a cunt. I can't believe I even humored the pink one.

>straight men
have to choose between two manipulative cunts
>gay men
have a lovely crossdressing gay twink

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K for me

>Implying she wouldn't be if I was Vincent

>tranny in game
>it is ok if japan does it

Katherine was a fucking cunt. Instead of confronting vincent if he was cheating or not. She decides to contineu prentending to be pregnant. Who the fuck considers giving birth to human life something to lie about.
Fuck her.


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Serves Vincent right for being a faggot

>Lies about pregnancy
>gets into Vincent apartment without telling him
>says that once they get married she will handle both of their salaries
Vincent wasn't a Saint but still fuck her, freedom ending best ending

K is wife material. Just don't be a wimp like Vincent.

MGTOW ending

Luna best ending. Why need women when you can go to the fucking moon.


Moon is the incel ending. The purpose of humanity is to pass on your genes, by purposefully avoiding this you are coping.

Space or riot.

>answered 100% honestly
>got C-good
Ain't even mad, I get C and Boss.

Went right.
Willingly choosing a succubus? Seems foolish in the long term.

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Catherine is best girl and you get to rule the underworld.