I'm about to start Silent Hill for the very first time

Any tips for a newcomer to this universe?

Attached: images (21).jpg (357x356, 25.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Retroarch - PS1 core
>Native resolution + CRT shader for best visuals
>Set the PS1 core clock speed to 300% to alleviate frame drops

The hammer in the hospital is broken as fuck

Play in release order,try to form your own opnions on each game and why you like/dislike them.You can turn off flashlight,if you do,enemies are less likely to notice you in complete darkness.
The stick in SH2 is also very good,i basically only used firearms for bosses.

The game has multiple endings so try exploring more carefully.

Play 1, 2, 3 and then 4. In that order.

Don't masturbate to the women.

Just play the games, as blind as possible.
It will make the experience waaay more fascinating.
Replay each of the games, several times.

Lemme re-post the SH PC Guide + DL links for rookies again:



SH2 torrent:

>SH2:EE project's home page:
>SH2:EE installation tutorial video:
>SH2 Audio Replacement mod:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! It will not work.
Don't install under C:\Program Files\ ! This will cause issues.
The "Enhanced .EXE" is also the no-CD crack!

The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate using ePSXe or PCSX-R.
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the T, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty! Especially in case of #2!
-Replaying them all is recommended; tons of replay value.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting, for better gamma & colors!
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors. Leg it, or sneak!
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help w/ stealth!

Attached: SH PC Guide 20th October 2019 v2,31.png (1281x6118, 1.08M)

If you want the true ending look up a guide, chances are you aren't going to get it otherwise. It's a pretty short game on replay though.

In sh1, you're supposed to periodically turn off your flashlight to lessen the agro range of monsters, the game went from brokenly difficult to reasonable when I figured that out.

Play 1 and 2 and stop there.

Use stealth and the hammer or any melee weapon, only use bullets on bosses. Stealth is very op, just turn your flashlight off and walk.

It does not take an Einstein to get the "good" endings. Using a guide of any kind on the first run would totally ruin it.

>I can't just experience a thing, please spoil it for me first and set up expectations!

>mfw accidentally Good+ on first playthrough

Attached: silent hill pro skater.jpg (1242x1162, 154.22K)

I didn't say it was impossible to get the true ending, I'm just saying it's more likely than not that you won't get it.

Just remember these 2 things if you want the true ending OP. 1. Scoop up the red liquid into a bottle when you first visit the hospital, 2. Visit and do the stuff in the motel when it becomes available.

If Silent Hill ever gets on the Remake train, would you be interested if they were all first person ala PT?

>true ending
From the perspective of the player completing everything there is to do in the game yeah, from a general plot standpoint cybil dying added a needed a downbeat before the hopeful conclusion of recovering the baby

Why the fuck would you spoil it all like that??
Figuring things out is literally more than half the fun of oldschool survival horror titles!
If you are literally only going to play the games once, then just kys and don't play them at all.

What could a remake possibly add to Silent Hill?

No. Fuck that shit.

>would you be interested if they were all first person ala PT?
No. Go play the first 5 minutes of SH1 again. Now try to recreate that atmosphere and cinematography with any other kind of camera system. It is just not happening.

If you take the time to really dig and explore the town you will be rewarded.

Sales bro

I didn't spoil anything important.

Dont use a guide.
I got the good ending first try I just explored and paid attention.

yes, you did.

What did I spoil that was important?

Why the fuck would ANY actual fan want a remake? It would be completely different and would only stand to marr the original, there is no positive reason to do a remake instead of a new entry. I'm convinced the only people who want these full-remakes are zoomers who want to pretend to like SH because their favorite youtubers like its but cant handle the original games. If it were like REmake itd be one thing, but it wont be, itd be like RE2make.

The only SH that could use a remake is 4, because it has such a good story and so many awesome, original, experimental ideas but it was so rushed that the execution wasnt quite up to par.

Attached: 3153152007_pnganimuthinkuthinkingmemefaceanime.jpg (820x462, 86.82K)

This, the only thing we need would be proper GOG releases for 2 and 3.

I'm gonna play on my PS2, but thanks for the tips.

If you can play on a CRT, it was designed to run on CRTs and it shows, it still looks spectacular.

>Why the fuck would ANY actual fan want a remake?
The resident evil games were always more focused on a gameplay challenge to me than necessarily an experience like silenthill, an ots perspective could add to the latter where it would just take away from silenthill.