Downloading this now. What am I in for?
Downloading this now. What am I in for?
GOAT soundtrack but incredibly difficult to get into. It does have some comfy vibes, and I recommend watching Youtube tutorials as a starting point.
bazillion of DLCs to make it playable
Get the Old Gods DLC for free.
A lackluster game if you don't have any dlc
playing as an English lord subjugating the filthy Irish. feels good.
Best Pdox game since you can roleplay and not just paint map.
rape your sons wife simulator
just don't play on a monitor made after 1999 or the text is blurry as fuck
You're in for
>booting it up
>possibly having it crash
>trying to figure out how to start a game
>starting a game
>not understanding anything
>trying the tutorial
>not understanding the tutorial at all because it's based on older versions of the game and pretty much defunct
>going to youtube
>watching a 2-3 hour video on 'the basics' that point out just what the fuck is what
>finally going back in
>You still don't know how to really play, you just know what buttons and menus are for what
>so you watch another 3-4 hour video on tactics, strategies, and general whatnot
>come back
>select Ireland
It can be a bit daunting if you're new to that kind of game, but it's a pretty good one
One simple thing that makes the most differnce is make sure that YOU are the guardian for your heir and NEVER give your heir land until he has come of age.
Don't listen to this user just pirate the DLC
>make sure you are the guardian for your heir
What if my character is a stinky dumb poop head because unfortunate circumstances forced me to play a less then ideal character? Can't I just find someone in my court who likes me a lot and has good talent/same culture?
Doesn't matter, if you are the guardain you can steer the decisions that make your heir turn out alright.
How exactly do I play a pagan without awkwardly gaming the system by marrying old ladies and only taking a single concubine at once?
Elective Gavelkind seems to exist so that you only ever inherit a single territory and it immediately moves outside your kingdom.
become a kingdom as fast as possible and don’t hold more than one kingdom title until you’re ready to form an empire
always be your heirs guardian until around a year before they come of age, then assign them someone of the highest skill (the 1-4point life skill thing) of the type you want them to be
It doesn’t matter how long they were guardian for only that they are the moment your heir gets their skill
>do this one time
>kid becomes gay in the two month period he's away from me
Blobbing, install HiP to reduce it and to make the game more historical.
Oh and start as a count or unlanded because if not its too easy.
You need heirs, armies, and primogeniture
Everything else can be learned along the way
$500 of DLC to make it halfway decent, and even then you just get a moderately amusing map painter.
free dlc thanks to serbians
put spymaster on constantinopel = gg
I put them in Rome so I don’t have to keep replacing their eyeballs and regular balls
Why bother? Just invite another high intrigue character to court and discard the old spymaster.
>want to kill second son
>make him spymaster
>send him abroad and leave him there
>he gets killed
so I don’t have to bother replacing them
horse-sister-mother sex
Baby murder and breeding simulator
I recomend this. HiP is a fantastic mod that is a brilliant substitute for vanilla.
hope you bought the dlc