What's your favorite pokemon, Yas Forums?

What's your favorite pokemon, Yas Forums?

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Beedrill, always has been.
Bonus because he's unironically the best poke in PMD:DX

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These two are cool as well

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Tyranitar will always be the best

This little blue devil.

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I was told a while ago that it was Scyther

My nigga. Beedrill was my first holographic.

Spiritomb probably. Always liked Ghost types

Have you tried purity forest with him? I hear his starting attack stat is just really low despite twin needle being a good move.

based and insectpilled, Heracross a best

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I use this guy every opportunity I can

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Some of my favorites

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What kind of pokemon are you?
How do you do the things you do?
Share with me your secrets deep inside

What kind of pokemon are you?
Are you loyal through and through?
And do you have a heart that's true?

What kind of pokemon are you?

Yeah Yeah

Take a normal type like a Jigglypuff
Against the ghostly Gengar
The battle's real tough

Thunderbolt's a great electric attack
'Till you get ground down by a Marowak

What kind of pokemon are you?
How do you do the things you do?

Don't you bug me
With a Caterpie
For flying types the wind's easy

Good luck with Muk and it's poison gas
Make one wrong move and it'll kick your grass

What kind of pokemon are you?
How do you do the things you do?
Share with me your secrets deep inside

What kind of pokemon are you?
Are you loyal through and through?
And do you have a heart that's true?

What kind of pokemon are you?

Y'don't keep no secrets from me

I like this goober, but Turtwig is also pretty cool

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This guy

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I like Mandibuzz and Ho-Oh.

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My kid self was very fond of this nigger.

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Same. Also really liked Haunter

probably jirachi
as far as something I actually use in the games though pancham/pangoro

This motherfucker

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I like Gengar.

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Post em

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I have a soft spot for the grudge doll.

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