

Attached: sample-8637277208eab8dfdf7569f7ba65bc9a.jpg (850x1206, 165.66K)

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I'll take a Lucina+2 please

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Marianne is best

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I wish I could go back to awakening's release.
The threads were so comfy.



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They really were, it was sad seeing Yas Forums turn on Awakening down the track as discussion died down and shitposters started taking over the threads. There was some real quality and some real good times.

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Thanks user.

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awakening saved the franchise at the cost of its soul better waifu comin through

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I think awakening still had soul personally.

Awakening had plenty of soul, you're just a moron. Tharja is a sweetheart though at least.

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We have this thread every morning

and I love it

She is 16 years old

Anyone got a lucina+5?

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It's Yas Forums's sakurafish

My point is youre a pedo

She doesn't exist you psycho

+0 is all you need because she is already perfection you cant +anything to make her better

Can I get a Lucina-10


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Pairing up was the shittiest mechanic ever.

>+10 characters

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Personally I don't mind. I like all Lucinas

Lol you are attracted to a table lol


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This is sacrilegious, flat is justice

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Hips too wide, breasts too big, thigh gap too large.

Jesus Christ anons isnt she like 17 or something? This shit is creepy I can't fap to this.