I'm 24 and it feels like im wasting my time when i play videogames

I'm 24 and it feels like im wasting my time when i play videogames

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Take this opportunity to find a more productive hobby.
Believe me, you'll thank yourself in 10 years.

I'm 25 and I enjoy playing videogames.

as opposed to wasting time posting reddit frog on anonymous facebook.
eat shit faggot.

>post on Yas Forums
>complain that videogames are waste of time
No wonder you're a frogposter.

That's because you are. You clearly are not being responsible enough with your life. I'm 27, married, full time job. Saving up for a house and en route to pay off all my debt. When I play video games it feels fucking great.

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>everything was handed to me, my life is so good
You'll die in the coming shitstorm.

so stop and fuck off

well thats because you are.

Why would you want to waste your time

eat shit supermong

you are wasting your time
there's nothing inherently wrong with wasting your time

>Everything was handed to me

Unless you are making Mr. Goldsetin money, you are wasting your time.

during your early 20s you experience a milder form of a mid-life crisis. interest in games will come back in a few years when your back starts giving you trouble.

>boo hoo i am too fucking lazy to do anything and then complain that i have nothing, everybody else must have gotten it for free
pathetic fucking grub you are.
go find whatever tree is recycling your breath and apologize to it.

35y/o here, you do, you're much better off doing something else. If I could turn back time I'd do a lot of things differently, especially much less videogames.

I hope you make it user.

>everyone with a better life than mine had it handed to them
how fucking autistic does one need to be to reach this level of cope?

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THIS. So much this. I wish I never got into video games, shit ruined my life and nothing good ever came out of it.

I felt like I was wasting my time playing vidya when I was 24 but figured it'd pass

now I'm 32 and still feel like I'm wasting time playing vidya

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Because you're not fulfilling yourself otherwise, user. Video games are recreation, not a replacement for purpose.

>be in 30's now
>spend alot of time getting a good education to get fine career during my youth
>bang women left and right during the prime years
>finally settle down alone and just play videogames in my spare time because i have no interest in getting married with a aging roastie and having kids

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Yes there is, if there wasn't you wouldn't feel a need to add "but" to your statement.

such as?

>Hey Faggots, my name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
>Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

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That isn't true at all. What logic even is there in that claim? The "but" means he's expliciting subverting the expected connotation of the message before. That has nothing to do with proper justification, don't be retarded.

Everyones wasting their time not propogating their own health.

If this bothers you so much, stop.

Otherwise find better games and stop giving into shitty open world padded RPG trash that feeds off of your time and actually learn to get good at playing one you really enjoy.

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not him but lifting/gym is a pretty good hobby

>be frognigger
>post larp
What else is new


i disagree.
the cultural perception of wasting time as a negative needed to be addressed, and the 'but' serves that purpose. just because something is commonly seen as a bad thing doesn't automatically make it bad.

Social hobbies are dead for at least another year.

I'm not sure you quite comprehend what larping is.

"The EXPECTED connotation".
You said it yourself retard

If you ever come to a point in a game where you're saying "what am I doing with my time" chances are its a shit game.

pic related

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Rock climbing.
BBQ pit mastering.
Language learning.
I guess since you're one of those "but I can't think of anything" kind of people you're probably best suited for just consuming games.
Just ride this trough out, user. Games will be fun again.
Don't worry about improving yourself.

Yes because he knew what the expected connotation is, that doesn't mean there's objective truth to it, idiot. Your pre-conceived notions and feefees aren't absolute truth; I know, a difficult concept to grasp but the faster you do the better off you'll be in life.

yeah thats usually how it goes

Miniature Wargaming
Model Engineering
Pipe Making

But I ask that even when I'm not gaming.

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Welcome to the club. Happened to me too when I was 24.

6 years later and I still play video games just like always, the only difference is HH acceptance that I no longer give a fuck about living and all I care is play games and I hope to live like this for the rest of my life.

If that aint your goal in life, then stop the Vidya user.

go away clyde cash

>more productive
that's the most arbitrary fucking metric holy shit