Why does Yas Forums hate the Last of Us?
Played it recently and it was alright
Why does Yas Forums hate the Last of Us?
Played it recently and it was alright
Probably one of the worst things to happen to the industry, no it's not an exaggeration.
Because even consoleniggers who actually waited it and played the demo know how they butchered it.
A few reasons:
-Can't make meaningful decisions
-Underwhelming story
-No rocket launchers
-No romance
-You are a faggot when you like this
>it was alright
Cause its alright and yet its praised like a best game ever made only because of its high production values.
needed more naked lolis
It's popular
I played the first 30 minutes. In that time I carried my daughter in what was effectively an interactive cutscene. I thought it was shallow and manipulative but ultimately I accept that's important for the future story, I just didn't agree with how they told that info or enjoy playing that bit.
I then walk slowly behind someone and lifted ladders as they spewed exposition. This was extremely boring.
By the time I got to the action of the game I was fed up and needed something that would really hook me in an interesting way, but it really didn't do enough.
I like the idea of the game somewhat but find it boring. If it wasnt about zombies I might have tried again.
When a game notoriously heavy on story like Metal Gear Solid has a more exciting and engaging opening 30 minutes there's an issue. Start with gameplay and have exposition as you explore if you need to. Not the other way round.
Storywise it's ok, the fall of civilization and Joel are ok. I find the gameplay very boring, it follows the uncharted/asscreed jump from one rail to another, cutscenes, run a linear path, cutscenes, etc
It's not bad bad, just follows tired formula
Understanding this game isn't hard. That doesn't make it bad though.
No romance is fine. Not every story needs one.
No rocket launchers is a shitty argument.
You are the giant fag in this situation.
I didn't heated it. Just dropped it after around 2h of a boring gameplay. You can drop some loli porn with the blond girl. Let's not let this thread go to waste.
If the 15 minute intro took you 30 minutes maybe a David Cage game would be more up your alley.
And it's not a game's fault you are an autist with a lack of empathy. The opening was very strong. They didn't want to put in the credits but then the testers weren't playing forward and/or registering the characters, still in shock of what happened to Joel.
Your cancerous generation was worse (I can smell your millennial autism over the internet and through the screen)
>my two dads
Yas Forums is full of fags, not pedos
t. faggot born in 1995
t. autist raging about how people can’t dislike the things he likes.
So what is this story even about?
A faggot protection a girl without fucking her? In the
real world she would be allways pregnat for repopulation. For
a game that takes itself so seriously this is pretty redicoulus.
How should I take this seriously?
In what fucking fantasy live the fags who made this?
Another thing ist the gameplay, it’s fucking bare bones.
Care to explain this? I normally wouldn’t care but this game is so
universally loved by redditors and even fags here.
Those say that every other opinion is just contrarian
eventhrough they are just worshiping an interactive movie.
thats alotta haikus
It's the boring oscarbait of video games. It failed to keep my interested early on.
S A r a H I(?) A C u T e
I said I started playing it.
I connect emotionally to movies all the time, just not if there's literally no setup. Certainly less so with videogames.
I'd prefer a game had a bare bones story anyway.
The real culprit hwre is RE4, to be honest.
Pic not related.
Forgot to remove it
Hard to identify with a character you've known for about 10 minutes. Also muh dead daughter broken father shit is the cheapest way to get an emotional response next to kicking a dog.
Cant you see you're losing it.
Understand that this story is a masterpiece.
Time and again you faggots just don't get it.
Everyday this shit again and again.
Not a single point of yours matters.
I can't believe how many retards are on this board.
People just don't get it man.
Please fuck off to somewhere else you don't belong.
Say goodbye!
Clever girl
stop looking at them
>no option to spy on Ellie getting changed
>no option to grope Ellie while she sleeps
>no speech options to coerce Ellie into wearing more revealing attire
>no options for sniffing her hair while crouched beside her
I could go on
I thought the game was boring, the combat was awful, most of the characters were unlikable, the story was some of the worst shit ever, and any zombie media where the humans are not only the real bad guys but also the one you actively fight the most is a fucking trashfire of a game
sarah's fuckin' hot though
1 was ok to be honest, I liked Joel. I think 2 is going to suck an excessive amount of metaphorical cock. Can't say literal since Ellie's a rug muncher I guess.
The Last of Us pissed on my fucking wife.
it was overhyped and wasn't worth getting a PS3 over.
People were saying "best msot important game of the decade" when it wasn't. but what really pissed off Yas Forums the most was the amount of journalist attention, documentaries etc. that the game had at release. it was an overreaction from Yas Forums.
In the game she died 10 minutes in, the devs wanted to do a
gay story with joel coping with her loss. This was a
huge mistake. They should have taken more
time creating a story were she survives and bonds with joel instead of wasting a
perfect girl like her. I can't
understand how they can make so retarded decisions.
So much potential wasted.
So much daughter-kino lost. Something
you can't get often anymore in media.