Senran Kagura

What so you think of the Senran Kagura franchise, Yas Forums?

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Yumi unironically killed all of the good writing

I think my wife Ryona is very cute.

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Tits pretty good. Its one of the breast musou type games I've ever played. I have very fond mammaries of playing shinovi VS on the vita.


Less than average gameplay carried by great character designs. Souji is the best

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Low tier game, low tier art, low tier waifus. The epitome of coomer trash.

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garbage, even neptunia have some appeal
girls are all the same because the bland and generic as fuck artstyle
muh tits are life ass hometown meme what a joke

Needs better gameplay because selling a shitty product again won't earn back
Otherwise, it'll be stuck in jpegs and fanart

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3DS ones are unironically enjoyable no matter which character you play with. Sony ones are hit or miss for the movesets and I prefer the sidescrolling camera style to the musou lites.

Peach ball needs more than 2 tables

I played peach beach splash and I wanted it to be unreal tournament with anime ladies but it was shit

upsetting and disappointing.

What's the best way to experience this franchise if I'm just interested in it because of the character designs?

Browse /skg/ I guess

Peaked with SV and SK2, back when Takaki still made the fanservice around the game and not the other way around.

>if I'm just interested in it because of the character designs
imagine having low standards like this

God I love her

What's this? I thought the franchise had died.

OP is forcing this off-topic garbage

Had potential but turned to shit because of spinoffs, remakes and ports. Didn't help that steam trannies latched on and sony censorship was the final blow. It could have become a respectable coomer series but greed, laziness and california jews decided otherwise.

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Cute. Sad it's dead.

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the same retard creating a shitran thread with nothing
the same retard blaming sony
the same tripfag blaming the creator
the same retard posting the same low quality shit pics
the same retard posting about how yumi ruined the series
the same retard typing snoy snoy snoy
the same retard crying about why the serie don't go to switch/pc
the same tripfag posting the same shitpics
the same retard with erp
the same retard (probably OP being a phoneposter) bumping the thread from the page 10
and again
no video games are discussed, if this happens is just 2 posts in the middle of all the garbage

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Just play SK2: Deep Crimson and I guess buy the merch of whatever character you like best.

I'd play it if there's more than one button to press


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the pinball game is surprisingly addicting

I still wonder what Steam had to do with this. I mean Neptunia went and made something that feels like it had a budget for 4GO, where as SK absolutely stagnated.

Isn't it dead?

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It had a lot of potential when Asuka and Homura were the main characters. I'm sad it burned itself out by focusing too much on fanservice.

>Peach Ball cast AGAIN
>except Asuka is replaced for Katsuragi because Nan likes her
Even after its death, SK continues to disappoint.

Deep Crimson actually sold like shit in Nipland and that's why they focused more on fanservice and fan favorite Yumi. Not like it worked but still, by doing that they get enough money to shit some shitty games
I wouldn't be as mad to Reflections if it had all the girls instead of just 5