This is Briana White, Aerith's English VA in the remake.
Say something nice about her.
This is Briana White, Aerith's English VA in the remake
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eceleb thot
I’m seeing double
She has crazy eyes.
She has kind eyes.
how did this "say something nice about her" maymay start?
she is getting kinda old and chubby
>This is Briana White, Aerith's English VA in the remake.
>Say something nice about her.
I always thought big googly eyes were a JRPG meme but I guess I've been proven wrong.
Wait I thought her VA was that manly looking bulldyke, Erica something
That’s Jessie’s VA
It may have started at Yas Forums as a subtle way to discuss certain (often controversial) celebrities. Either way, these things find their way across the boards anyway.
there's something about her i don't like, is it the big teeth, is it the slightly chubby arms, is it the awkward color of blonde her hair is, I can't tell but there's something wrong there
She's 28 accomplished cute and prime material for breeding. She also has a very successful Youtube gamer girl channel.
She helped make Aerith best girl
>english dubs
do americans really?
You dweebs follow a similar pattern. Classic Madonna/whore complex
1. Worship woman as if paragon of virtue and purity
2. Find out woman is just woman e.g. lies, cheats, fucks or has fucked different guys, guys you view as scumbags
3. Demonize previous object of worship. She is the epitome of evil, satan herself, etc.
4. Rinse and repeat.
Unironically I accidentally started it years ago and it was about fucking Doug from the cartoon Doug
You think that's good voice acting?
Have you seen the silent hill 2 stuff?
Go back.
Actually you can remove step 1. Nobody nowadays expects a girl to stay pure past age 16. This is what the completely justified cynicism towards the female sex comes from.
If I want to hear Japanese voices I'll watch anime.
you and I both know she probably didn't have to suck a dick to get the role even if she probably was prepared to do so since video game producers are big fucking simps afraid to ask a for a woman's name let alone asking them to suck their dicks. These aren't hollywood moguls.
She's good at voice acting when she shuts up
Not an excuse
Cute face but body isn't great.
This is Yas Forums.
90% of posters here only follow step 3.
They're shitting on this e-girl just because.
I haven't played the remake but I had to look up her acting in a scene. Her voice is all over the place, she goes high for no reason what so ever during a sentence. Good for her that she got the role, but they should have gone with a professional actress.
It's the fake 'open mouth so excited' smile tied with the dead eyes.
Why are white women so much more attractive than asian women? Even Kojima knows this.
1000 cock stare + multi-bj mouth, a horrible combination.
You are as bad as custom YouTube thumbnail creators.
Pointing at something with their fingers, overly expressive face, red arrows, red caption, etc. I hate all of these things and I'm sick of it.
one is chinese propaganda and the other is women as they really are?
who the fuck plays japanese games with english dubs?
except american zoomers I mean
When BOTW was coming out, she was in a bunch of videos of casual normie youtubers getting together to disscuss trailers and stuff.
In pretty much every one of those videos, she was the ONE person who actually obviously gave a shit about Zelda and was really into the series/games in general and not just somebody playing games for the money; and she seemed legitmately passionate about stuff.
So she seems alright.