

Attached: videogames2.jpg (1022x450, 93.5K)

you forgot to add the mold (bugs and glitches) on the left burger

Game me likey = big burger
Game you liik = it not as good

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Is this part supposed to be hard or am I just bad?

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FromSoft games are overrated but pretty good. Regarding the "other games", it isn't hard to make something superior to the majority of modern games. The bar is set pretty low

Is it your first Souls game?


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Picture is good, the only thing missing is that FromSoft burger should have mold in it, and probably less salad and cheese.

It's my second. The Giants in the first game were much easier to deal with. I don't understand what's aggroing the second knight or if his patrol is just supposed to be delayed by a few seconds

>Food anal orgy

And I didn't notice the first post, but in my case the mold is because the burger is a decade old, less salad and cheese is the cut content.

Then you're just bad.

This analogy doesn't work because From Software is a video game developer, not a fast food restaurant.

Expansion packs are still DLC


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>cut content from first das
>sold it as dlc for pc release
I can't comprehend how das niggers can defend this

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ummmm based???


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>top bun
>bottom bun


If the second panels burger was made of sand, then that's accurate.

they scrapped artorias of the abyss early



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Jesus, it's been a long time since a saw a 9gag meme

yeah very nice, except they released ds2 remember? at full price no less.


Fuck you incel

>not team cherry

O say can you see

Fuck you faggot

What does a burger cola taste like?

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Dark Souls 3 did it worse.

It's a VIDEO GAME. They prioritized gameplay and environmental diversity over pandering to your autism.

Literally every Souls game has them.

Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls PERIOD.
>least linear in the series
>most diverse environments in the series
>longest in the series
>most amount of weapons in the series
>most amount of armor and customization in the series
>biggest build variety in the series
>most amount of magic/miracles/hex/pyros
>best online mode in the series
>easiest to start a build in the series
>best girls in the series
>best and most SOULful covenants
>dual wielding and power stance
>offers rewards for fun challenges such as no death run
>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses
>the only game in the series which doesn't force you to grind
>3 weapon slots in each hand
>4 ring slots
>reddit hates it

QOL improvements introduced by Dark Souls 2
>you can skip logos at startup (without mods)
>R3 to jump
>you can choose how many of the same item you want to consume at the same time
>weapon durability bar below weapon icon
>inventory items displayed in grids instead of list
>climb ladders faster and being able to let go of ladders
>roll through doors to open them faster
>can turn a specific area to NG+ mode (Bonfire Ascetic)
>can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+
>controller vibrates when summoned

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