They have the horror multiplayer genre by the balls and yet they can't fucking add Jason Voorhees?

They have the horror multiplayer genre by the balls and yet they can't fucking add Jason Voorhees?

Attached: dead by daylight.jpg (489x404, 252.09K)

because the license is a complete fucking mess

probably because of the similar Jason game

>be rank 1 killer
>want to try out new killers and practice at getting good with them
>go up against the sweatiest players
And thats the story on why I did 25 AFK wraith matches in a row


favorite killer?


The worst slasher icon who's not even the best killer in his own series.

They probably can't legally use him

had a ton of fun with this game and then suddenly lost all interest. had more fun harassing survivors than killing them

iirc the lawsuit is still ongoing

reminder to always kill all the survivors, never give hatch to these faggots

Attached: last survivor deserves the hatch.png (1276x522, 839.75K)

if you leave em on the ground to bleed out they end up quitting most of the time and then spamming you with messages crying about it

in his defence you are a faggot for playing nurse

I don't think any other game has made me so stressed and frustrated before

Attached: rat.jpg (1200x1188, 86K)

>Reading post game chat
your fault

I think even Friday the 13th game isn't allowed to use Jason anymore so it's not getting updates
DBD devs probably don't even bother

This, tigers don’t interview their prey if they catch them or not, killers shouldn’t talk to the pigs.

I won't be happy until I can play beatrice as a killer

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It only means something if they're soo assblasted that they have to leave comment on your profile, otherwise ignore

Legal rights are a mess, but the case would've been done by around June or so; but then the virus hit. So who knows when, or if, it will happen.

Friday the 13th has it, dbd is never gonna get the license for it.

survivor cuck

I mean, it barely has the license now; they can't do anything with it at the moment.

Why would I ever chase people when I could just toss a hatchet?
I feel completely gimped playing any other killer. Pallets and windows are absolutely OP when you can't simply throw things.

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your fault for playing killer, being survivor it's the comfiest experience, killer can't do shit to you and you can troll and be retarded and yet you will end winning most of the time even without perks

>tfw play on console
>tfw I can spend 5 minutes making a new account and going back to rank 20
Feels good playing easy matches

It's the other way around.
As killer how well you do is entirely dependent on your skill.
As survivor you're constantly babysitting retards who can't survive in a chase more than 10 seconds while the other people are crouching in a bush.

The only time the game is stressful as killer is if you're playing against a 4-man SWF and those games happen like 1 out of 20 matches.

You can do that on steam too.
Family sharing is a thing.

Isn't this game just streamer bait? It's not even scary

It's scary when you first play it but after a few hundreds of hours the chases are fun for killer and survivor.

>play killer
>survivors are always being cocky by teabagging and flashlight spamming
>have bad internet so get host advantage
>looks like I'm lag switching
>completely crush all survivors
>they cry at the match end screen saying I'm a hacker

get fucked

>but after a few hundreds of hours the chases are fun for killer and survivor.