Installing Chinese malware

>Installing Chinese malware
>Not knowing the game is owned / funded by a Chinese company

What the fuck is wrong with you morons?

Attached: valorant-art-040720-ftr_1f6xrhqbk1od21tfx6ujumubn2.jpg (1600x900, 105.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

China bad
USA good

China bad
USA bad
Europe bad
Just about everywhere bad

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>new game cool
>must play shitty cs:go ripoff with mobile graphics

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Windows is malware but that doesn't stop people from using it.

lol you morons complained about origin being malware, yet valorant anti cheat is a million times worse and runs on start up and collects data even when not ingame.

this is the biggest damage control ive seen Yas Forums do
and its over a shitty cs clone

valve shills and hacker forum shitters GET OUT

On that note, has there been any progress in regards of breaking the retarded rootkit Riot Vanguard? I just saw some Valorant fanboys being assblasted on their reddit over the "cheaters" collecting negative press about Vanguard, but nothing more. Actually I'd love to delve into the AntiCheat myself and look through it a bit, but for that I'd have to watch these dumb streams.

You can bet this and battleye are being exploited by unit 8200 to watch any network traffic that use the shit

quake CHAD defecates on valorant and csgo babbies

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quake looks so fucking fun
the fact that tactical shooters are the popular option and arena shooters are effectively dead makes me sad

the secret is
its fake fun


by being an arena shooter

source(s): dude trust me plus it doesnt matter if its true it could be right

how is it even fun? it looks like a game for 10 year olds, anime characters and special abilities.

I don't really care anymore. America does the same shit except they get away with. I'd argue the NSA does more spying th

Turns out that they simply aren't as fun as they might look or as boomers want you to believe. Think about it logically, would the genre have died if it were?

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How is it not fun

games aren't about fun anymore
they're about gitting gud and being the best
i learned this when they added role queue to overwatch QUICKPLAY
and when TF2 chat turned from kids fucking around to sweaty comms in pub games

Maybe it's time to get good instead of crying about people getting tired of farming your passive ass? Plus you can always play the new casual shooter genre (battle royale) where half the server of any given round are probably even worse than you.

I would literally let China throw a chip in my head if it meant I could play a game without hackers

Unfortunately the anticheat doesnt even actually work. 2nd day of closed beta and they already had hackers who were caught by streamers not the anticheat.

i hit diamond rank in LoL and stopped caring about video games after that joke's on you for even giving a shit about being good at video games when in reality the entire experience is a sweaty stressful mess that results in absolutely nothing coming from it other than seeing victory on your screen and gaining rank points i bet you havent enjoyed a video game in years and only continue to play them to validate your pathetic existence because you have nothing going for you in life other than the fact that you top frag every few games in your csgo matches huh you pathetic weasely piece of shit go kill yourself you worthless fuck

You fucking destroyed this comp-tard, holy shit.

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>Gives the Chinese ring 0 access to my PC to stop cheaters, but gets cheaters anyway.
Thank God it turns off after my game is closed :^)

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Pretty much my experience playing Overwatch and DOTA competitive desu. After you reach a pretty high rank, it comes to the point where you realise you really have very little control when it comes to games due to awful matchmaking. You're one member of a five/six member game. Most games feel like you're dominating, or that the game isn't in your control. Very rarely is there a challenging game for both sides.

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the genre isn't dead, more easy ones just emerged over time.
quake is like tetris. It will never really die.

>there's people unironically defending Riot for installing a tencent rootkit on their computer

>b-but cheating is bad
fucking retards, cheaters will easily bypass this, in fact they already have, there's no reason to let literal malware run 24/7 on your system

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Okay so LoL, a video game, is pointless. So what's the point of playing Quake "for fun" and why aren't you doing it right now?

>Unfortunately the anticheat doesnt even actually work.
No one ever bans immediately, retard. That would've made it extremely easy for cheat developers to test. Accounts are getting flagged and banned in waves every couple of days/weeks/months.

He said video-games are pointless. Both Quake and League are video-games, user

No, he's saying that new games are bad because people play them to win and that is supposedly pointless. It is, as it always were, possible to play quake unranked like a retard and if it's so great why isn't he doing it?

You're right, but what matters is how long it takes the hackers to recover from ban waves.
If you have a closed invite-only beta testing and you get a hacker after just two days of trying to work around your new anticheat, then you're fucked.

Once the game launches it will have a bigger audience with a higher number of hackers. The recovery times will be faster. The hacks will be better and less detectable.

And the game is free, so there's virtually no consequences to being banned.
This game will be plagued the moment in launches.

I can't explain it it just is

Phone activation/account level required for ranked. Honestly it's not that hard to limit cheating.

>it just is
finished it for you

Why does it seem like almost every new IP that ends up being explosively popular these days ends up being made or funded by China?