I've just spent hours terraforming this shit and then after finishing it I placed my house and realized it's off center

I've just spent hours terraforming this shit and then after finishing it I placed my house and realized it's off center
Is there a way I can fix this?

Attached: acnh.png (1135x731, 1.74M)

It looks better that way. Asymmetry unironically adds character.
If you were a true designer you'd add something off to the other side, ideally the assemblage of items + the location and characteristics (color, style, etc) of the house together would tell the viewer a little visual "story"

try suicide for wasting so much time on a game for children and women

>off center
Your house is like 5x3, inclines are 2x4, you won't be able to fix it.

and trannies

The Gamecube version is so much fucking better it's unreal


Just move it one tile to the right

In its current stage yes but after content updates it'll be the objective best and there's nothing you can do about it.

There's nothing to do in the GC version.

You mean move it to a new spot and then move it one spot to the right

It's still look really good imo, no need to center it.
Plus with the log on the side it make it look centered already.

How do I do this terraforming shit ? All I can do now is build bridges

people who make their own shitty secluded mountain resorts are literally soulless, go integrate with your neighbours and stop being an incel

You get it after you lure K.K. to your island for a concert. The day after the concert you'll get the ability to freely terraform.

Oh ok, thanks.

Move it further to the left to make it more asymmetrical and then put a bigger piece of furniture on the right side.

move it over to one side that way it seems like intentionally off center and not like you just fucked up.

also you can pick up the mailbox and move it

you need your island to reach 3 star rating from isabelle

>There's nothing to do in the GC version.

Attached: tony1.gif (368x348, 2.03M)

I guess I'll try this, thx

Having your billion bell mansion smack dab in the middle of the shitty huts is retarded though, if the other animals could upgrade their own houses it would be a different story

Place it 1 tile to the right. Put the log bench on the left.
It'll look just fine.


buying a censored gender game.

i hope you die from coronachan

Why can't I move my house somewhere else ?

I think you need to upgrade it a few times or have the 5 beginning villagers in.

especially trannies

This, but don't expect honeymooners to agree so readily yet.

>after content updates
you'll be paying for everything but holidays

idk man I got 6 villagers now and I still can't do this