Why do people on Yas Forums consistently call this the best game of all time...

Why do people on Yas Forums consistently call this the best game of all time, when the frame timing makes it utterly unplayable?

I finally got a PS4 after all these years and I got the big games. Bloodborne, Uncharted, GoW, Horizon, Spiderman, blah blah.

And BB is just outright unplayable. Don't even get me started on the framerate of God of War at 4k (do consolefriends really?...)

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you already made a thread.
nice bait.

Attached: 1531381686251.jpg (114x111, 4.25K)

I only had issues with BB's framerate/frametimes for the first few minutes of the game, despite being used to a 144hz display i use with my PC.
The game is honestly so good that i'm willing to overlook the performance aspect and i'd give my left ball for a proper PC port.

not me, i have only played this game like 20 min because it's unplayable.

Can you contradict the fact that it objectively has broken frame timing, leading to variable control input lag and other issues?

>Why do people on Yas Forums
PSniggers do. it's their big crutch since it's the best exclusive theyve got

People have been complaining about terrible performance and atrocious image filters since day one. It's still a good game.

To be honest, I'd rather wait for PS5 at this point.

Does it get better after the first area? someone else said this.

I don't think you will ever see a PC port, I do think you will see a PS5 version. Or maybe just a sequel. Elden is confirmed multilplat so you know From is working on something to keep their Sony relationship going.

>Why do people on Yas Forums have an opinion that differs to mine?
I pose a better question:
Why do autists think their subjective opinion is objective fact?

It stays about the same. The patched game is pretty good at keeping a consistent framerate most of the time.
I'd advise you to keep going since you'll get used to the performance just like i did.

>since you'll get used to the performance just like i did.

Yeah, no. I've been primarily a pc gamer since the mid 90s and this stuff is just outright unacceptable to me. It'll never get played until there's a better version.

A guy here told me GoW was the most amazing game of all time too and tricked me into wasting $15 on it. What utter garbage. Boring closecamera consoleshit.

frame timing issues making a game unplayable isn't an opinion

>frame timing issues making a game unplayable isn't an opinion
Clearly it is. We can infer that since so many people like the game, discuss the game, and continue to give it accolades, the game is indeed playable. Prove otherwise if you disagree, and provide evidence.

>frame timing issues making a game unplayable isn't an opinion
you might be mentally challenged, I played it just fine despite being to used to constant 60 fps gaming on PC

I'm also a PC gamer at core and the first PC i built with my own earned money had a 486DX in it
Despite using high-end hardware today with a high refresh rate display i have zero issues with playing 30fps games on consoles. I'm honestly unsure why it bothers people so much. The difference is obvious, but it doesn't make games unplayable in any way.

>Clearly it is.

nnnnnnnnot really. People who only play consoles don't get to have opinions on stuff like this because they play what they play out of financial necessity, not choice.

You have low standards for everything you do and are. Can't be helped.

>You have low standards for everything you do and are. Can't be helped.
I wonder if people like you are aware that saying things like this don't make you seem nor sound elitist, it makes you sound retarded.

>"I disagree but refuse to provide evidence. Only I possess the right opinion."
You need to provide evidence. No amount of posturing will make your statement true. I also don't even own a console, dislike the PS4, dislike BB's performance, but still concede it's one of the best games ever made.


yeah, I'm the one who sounds retarded.

Having basic standards isn't being elitist or trying to be elitist. Furthermore the problem with bloodborne isn't the frameRATE. It's the frame TIMING. try fucking reading.

It's one of my favourite games. I havent had problems with the framerates.

>You have low standards for everything you do and are. Can't be helped.
great non-response, kid
I clearly have low standards since i've been spending extra on high-end PC parts throughout my life

I'm not an fps whore so I didn't notice anything. Tfw blissfully ignorant

>Autist starts to mentally skip when people disagree.
I can already see what this thread is turning into. Frankly, you should just close the browser if you're upset so easily, not even him bro.

>yeah, I'm the one who sounds retarded.
Glad you admit it.

Means you can't play it. I played it more than two times, so it's safe to say that the game is playable.

itt: people who started gaming at the 7th and 8th generation

nobody else thinks bad frame timing is acceptable.

Framepacing issues were more common in earlier generations

itt: one incredibly angry autist upset that BB is one of the best games ever made despite running at 12fps with the worst frame-timing ever.

For the sake of clarity, could you define what you mean by frame spacing?

absolute complete bullshit.

*frame timing, i mean

>Does it get better after the first area?
No, but you'll get used to it. Unfortunately FROM will never fix the shitty frame timing, but this doesn't stop it from being one of my favourite games ever

The time it takes the system to deliver frames

30 fps is fine if the spacing between frames is even. However, if some frames render quicker and others slower (while still averaging 30 fps) issues appear

the difference is the term wasn't even defined back then

Your right. It hurts my eyes. Threw that shit right in the garbage

If you played 4th-5th generation early 3D games when they were current, they ran like shit. Not even him, but are you some sort of super retard? How old are you? Answer truthfully.

of course it was. it was referred to as slowdown and it was the same thing manifested in a different way. Not all games had slowdown though and it was primarily a NES thing.
