Was this the pinnacle of the Mass Effect series?

Was this the pinnacle of the Mass Effect series?

Attached: mass_effect_bring_down_the_sky-1697610.jpg (314x407, 24.75K)

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I'm not sure. Do you have any arguments?

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you wiped out a star system in the end to save the entire galaxy.


That's Arrival, not Bring Down the Sky.

and since it was dlc they weren't allowed to mention it in 3 but also couldn't contradict it, despite being a pretty massive fucking thing


I never played the dlc. Any good torrents?

Balak appears in 3 if he's still alive

Plenty. Just got to any major site for torrents.

First game. ME2 and 3 were garbage.

Which ones are safe these days? I haven't really torrented since KAT

reminder that batarians are not people and should be killed on sight

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>Was this the pinnacle
>pinnacle station

We got pun'ed on...

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It would have been if it didn't STILL rehash the same maps.

that's the entire reason Shepard is on trial at the beginning of ME3

I like 2 very much and some things from 3.
1337x should have it.

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You've confused Batarians, with Niggers. Amateur mistake.

It's free on PC


Batarians are north koreans.

thanks user, gonna play some ME2 tomorrow
Batarians are perfect villains, not only are they ugly and different but their society is everything we're taught to hate

It has well-written villains and good development for Shepard. Butchering them as Colonist/Ruthless is so satisfying, and letting him kill the hostages to do it makes it even juicier.

Anons, what are some random (non dialogue) npcs that you always remember? Strippers don't count.

For me it's that dark skinned soldier with blond curls that salutes you.

the turian trying to woo a quarian in a mass effect 2 bar

I remember that too, but I meant the ones that don't have any voiced lines. For voiced ones I always remember the refund guy.

>i have stimulator built into my suit
>let me fire it up in public!
What a slut

Quarians.... No sense of right or wrong.

I'm so fucking sad they ran ME into the ground. It had great potential for almost any type of genre. I really believed them when they said it would be this generation's Star Wars and Star Trek.

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The pinnacle was the suicide mission, but only if you leave out the context of the rest of the game.

Do you have more ship images like that, for other species? For asari, turians...

Its the best dlc in the series in the best game in the series.

Its great but the main game was better, especially noveria

No, only humans cuz we da best

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When people started praising 2 I knew it was finished.

Praising that game and giving it high scores was sending a message of "yes we want less exploration, less rpg, less citadel, less character development and more dudebro gears of war action more shooting more junior high school level writing"

Then those people were shocked that 3 had jersey shore man, ign lady, a bad ending, and horrible horrible writing.

Then "oh no just the ending was bad" faggots created andromeda.

>especially noveria
I liked it too. Killing Benezia is always sad for me. Especially when I bring Liara with me. I wonder if Benezia would have approved of me romancing her daughter...
Well, I found some myself on that artists devinatart page.

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>less exploration
can blame the mako and its shit steering for that

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It worked perfectly fine. The problem was with you not it

don't pretend you never tried reversing just to end up going forward and vice versa while trying to dodge geth missiles