Vidya to make the pain go away?

vidya to make the pain go away?

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I turned 23 a month ago. I have only just under 2 years left until I am officially no longer a youth, I am truly the biggest ghost loser nobody you can imagine. It's going to years to unfuck myself, and who knows how long this coronavirus shit is going to complicate things. How can I get over lost youth? It kills me that I will never experience young love, or have memories with friends. It just sucks wasting your best years.

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Jesus Christ that picture makes me feel worse than any gore ever could.


its my birthday today and i didnt get any messages from my "friends" just a couple of family members

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me except 30

man, how old is this guy now? This picture's been around since I was a kid. It was actually a big motivation for me to have a fun 20th. My 20th ended up being one of the happiest of my life.

Happy Birthday user. Hang in there bud.

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Animal Crossing

>It just sucks wasting your best years.
Then stop wasting them. It wont get better unless you do something. ANd dont say that you cant, because you can.

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I'm a loser because I use the internet too much
I use the internet too much because I'm a loser
The second I find out which one is correct I can live in peace.
It gets better, user. It really does...

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Happy birthday user!

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I fucking hate birthdays so I yell fuck you to to anyone who greets me

i wish i was 23 again. i never wished to become older and always wished i was younger (starting when i was 16 or so, but never younger than high school age). best way to feel young is by having sex and going ot the gym a lot. i hate the gym like you wouldnt believe but i know that my phsycial peak is already over and ive been going to the gym 5 days a week since i was 24. also, dont watch the olympics since basically most poeple are going to be younger than you outside of a few things
t. turning 29 in 2 weeks

Go to jr college in a rural or ruralish area where there also more opportunity to get a job and people are more friendly. Preferably in your state so you don't have a huge debt.

>by having sex

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I'm 25, I play with my dick the entire morning everyday

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Do they even know? I knew a guy for years and we never realized we had the same birthday

Im 29 and I thought I had one more year of youth?

Kinda? Personally I will turn 29 years this year. I have stable jobs, maybe like 3 irl friends a few internet "friends" but my life is quite monotonous. And it probably would be even more dull if not video games.

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24 is the last year where you're still a young adult/youth, if you're closer to your 30s than your 20s you're not a young person.

I wish i knew...

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Read dead redemption 2

thanks anons

i have it on my facebook and a few random people i hardly know sent me messages but no one i actually know besides a few family members

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just get a gf, it's fucking easy. i wish i knew how easy it was before i got so old...

then dish so anons don't make your same mistake

Its not easy if you dont know how, thats the point

just BEE yourself.

>just shut yourself in your room all day
ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Literally just eat food in front of a camera you fucking losers

I'm right with you pal..

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I'm 29 and it doesn't get any better

>Fairy Fencer F
>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
>Witcher 3
and if you need someone to listen (I can gift a copy)
>kind words

These are all games that helped me at different points in my life. Sometimes you just need a good distraction.

I'm 26 and I feel about the same as I do as I did when I was 23

I am here to tell all of you, there is hope.

I was a pathetic lonely guy up until my 30th birthday and then it changed, just suddenly.

Now, 4 years later, I've had several relations, I'm gonna get married next year, I live with my gf far from my parent's house, I had some crappy jobs until I got a decent one... I'm living. And you will too.

don't ever lose hope.

Good luck.

28 here, it only gets worse, you already wasted your life (virgin, didn't go to college, probably a neet), you're only gonna get fatter, start losing your hair, might as well embrace it and try to enjoy your pathetic life. Just keep cursing the day you thought it was cool to be a nerd who discusses video games all day.

>normalfag friends mention getting Trumpbux to me
>asked me if I got it
>only applies to people who have filed taxes at any point
>or had an income
>or a job
>or a life
>or any semblance of worth as a human bean

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>I'm gonna get married
what year is this?

I spent my 20th birthday alone in my college dorm with no friends or family