Is it good?

Is it good?

Attached: H2x1_NSwitch_AnimalCrossingNewHorizons_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 349.22K)

Don't let this thread distract you from the fact that there's a skeleton inside you


Get it out!!!!

Attached: 9EwisbB.gif (240x196, 1.75M)

You can craft a toilet made out of solid gold, what other game allows you to do that?
LDBFY for the DIY recipe

Attached: golden toilet.jpg (1280x720, 138.21K)

Yes. I've enjoyed the hell out of it.

It's alright. I'm having fun. It still feels like less of a game then the original N64/GC game though. There are some quality of life things about it that really bug me with crafting and teraforming

It's the best one in the series even if it's lacking things the other games had, it still makes up for it by giving you other things to do like designing the town.

Tools have durability, even the golden versions. Just let that sink in.

It's pretty good

I WANT IT but I'm on a nook island. can you stay open for like 15 minutes?

Does anyone want to pay for my bridge?

Wait a year and I'll have enough updates to answer your question.

I wouldn't know because i can't find a switch.

Is it still available?

It's fun

Still open lads, she's probably still making it but not sure anymore

Got Wuh-oh'd for the first time.

i got it and it's pretty boring

Anons trying to enter and leave left and right, you know how it is

no its absolute dogshit
i dont get why Yas Forumseditors like it so much

judging by the way you type it’s probably because you are roasty or tranny

and you are nigger or pajeet. the game is good

It's great and definitely more substantial than previous entries, but minmaxing trannies and the general lack of mystery around anything as a result of today's extremely online sperg community kind of sucked some of the fun out of it desu

ambient villager stuff is a cool addition but dialogue feels like it has taken a step backwards

Thanks, Presidente.
May the sun never set on Tropico.

Attached: Capture2.png (960x583, 696.54K)

I'm kind of bummed about some of the more glaring omissions (art, crazy redd, multiple shop upgrades, brewster, etc.) but that is offset some by the hope that they might add those things in time as Nintendo has gotten a little bit better at supporting stuff.

its good if you are a subhuman with single digit iq

As a game, yes
As an Animal Crossing series entry, no
Feels like the weakest entry in the series yet, but I've got over 200 hours already due to it being a new Animal Crossing game

what arbitrary shit makes it a bad Animal Crossing entry?

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Was it autism?

Good except online and dialog

Just less content than the rest of the series and all the new stuff (crafting, island designing) doesn't feel very well thought-out
Also awful localisation and online
Hopefully the patches fix all this up but for now the game's pretty lackluster compared to it's predecessors

I like the crafting a lot. It's two steps forward, one back, but updates will most definitely flesh the game out. only thing I'm truly worried about is how dogshit the dialogue is. it's nowhere near PG/WW levels

I'm poor and even if I had the money I can't justify spending $300-$400 on a Switch to only play a few games. Luckily, emulation has come a long way. It's laggy, usually runs at 20 FPS, crashes from time to time, and the audio is fucked up but it plays alright for what it is.
Personally I don't know what to make of it just yet. I think it's fun but I don't think I'll be able to properly judge it until I get a bit further in. I feel like in some aspects they went 2 steps forward and in others they went a step back.
While I'm bummed I can't go to other peoples islands/play online, it honestly sounds like it might not be that big of a loss. Only really shitty thing about running an emulation is that I can't get holiday events or download player made designs. yet

Attached: ACNH.png (679x743, 42.83K)

>Looks like someone's on their way here!
>Looks like someone's on their way here!
>Looks like someone's on their way here!
>Looks like someone's on their way here!

Has anyone got any TVs, couches and kitchen counters I can catalog?