Women would genuinely rather fuck a horse or an elephant than an incel these days...

Women would genuinely rather fuck a horse or an elephant than an incel these days. You're not even competing with Chad anymore, you're competing with the entire animal kingdom.

Give me one reason you haven't killed yourself in light of this.

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She looks awful for 20


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If i killed myself i couldn't play the new Terraria patch

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Because I am an animal

Shes fat thats why

so what are you doing on Yas Forums? feel superior vs losers? you have really high standards

Because women bad.

chads and the animal kingdom are competing with me

lmao incels

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>current year
>not being a volcel

What the actual fuck lmao

Why are amerimutts so fucking autistic?

video games

t: fellow incel

God I wish that was me

>thread has been pruned or deleted

>not wanting to watch your gf/wife get fucked by dogs and horses


>repining over women who fuck animals
ngmi OP

>mfw my cousin is named Leah and she likes Elephants
>has long distant relationship with some congo black dude
you guys told me this was just a meme

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>an elephant
im not worried about the opinions of dead women user

being a woman isn't even easy mode, it's straight up God mode cheats

My god what the fuck ...

She need to go to Dubai and make the big bucks.

unlike you I actually had sex

>long distant relationship with some congo black dude
I don't even know anymore...

Sometimes it feels good being an actual schizoid and not giving a fuck about relationships.


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With a body like that, she’s overcharging. Her market value is much lower than she believes.

>paying to spend time with a woman
>paying for sex
they get what they deserve

Women being fucking retards and subhumans is a disappointment, but there are plenty of other things to do.

only a semi-attractive one, and she's french

>Be abroad somewhere where elephants are accessible
>one has its comically large penis out
>take a funny photo with it
that's all it is

you faggots make Yas Forums look worse than usual

Would definitely run the risk of getting beheaded

Lmao based elephant

she is fat too
she would openly txt me sometimes saying she is horny and high sex drive.
why do women do this?

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Was she in the wrong?

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>implying you don't

>Give me one reason you haven't
Because I need more proof. The "dogpill" still feels like a meme.

we fucking lost...

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>take a funny photo with it
She puts her face on it ffs.

Low self worth, obviously

>Feeling up all that silicon
Elephant deserved better

elephants don't normally have their penis out user

What do you expect from incels?

It might just not be a flattering photo.

nice bait post, I'm gonna go get a gf right now
Just watch

women are so funny
they're kind of like kids
except it's not morally wrong
to fuck them

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Videogames amirite?

>Give me one reason you haven't killed yourself in light of this.

Because I don't give a single fuck about women and have plenty of other things to occupy myself with.

It's like paying 50 bucks for an oil change and not even getting a good filter and complimentary tire rotation.

If I wanted to buy someone dinner and never see them again, I'd just use Tinder for free. Just go to a brothel, damn.

anyone who complains about off topic on Yas Forums is 100% a tranny

>Competing with the entire animal kingdom
Stop giving me new fetishes Yas Forums

>not a single instance of a woman jacking off an elephant
Why? They mess with horses.

Anyone going to tell the incels that that's a statue?

Mods on are trash, how can posts like this make it but the moment I ask Yas Forums how to achieve pic related's physique, I get a 72 hour ban?

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>doesn't hoverhand

CHAD, absolute chad

That bitch ain't even that hot, wouldn't even pay her half of that for actual sex

kill yourself simp.

Only weaklings need companionship.
The need for others is what fucked this planet over


>Liara Roux is a sex worker, independent adult media producer and director, a political organizer focused on freedom of expression for adult workers online, and an advocate for decriminalization and protection of consensual adult activity including queer and sex worker rights and safety worldwide.

I guarantee you the average Yas Forums user is more qualified and is much more interesting to talk to than this bitch.

Between this and the presence of weebshit in Yas Forums, I give it about 3 years before everyone here has cut their dick.
Hell, you are not even right wing anymore, and you are mostly anti-white these days, although focusing only on the women as some form of pretending you still have right wing values.

video games and posting on the internet are better than women. I thought having a girlfriend and sex would be really great, but honestly, they were disappointing.

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someone post the girl one the beach who gets her ass bit by the pig

Take a step back and realize you're defending a random woman you'll never meet's decision to publicly share a photo of her face on an elephants dick

The elephant is literally playing with her silicone squishy toys, sadly this elephant probably has herpes now

No it isn't, no millennial is interesting to talk to because they haven't had a single interesting experience in their worthless lives of doing nothing but consuming entertainment media.
A millennial is honestly the most pointless form of life in this planet.

>defending touching an animal's penis
>defending whorish behavior
kill yourself

>just finished fapping to Cynthia getting fucked by a Zebstrika
>tab out to Yas Forums
>this is the first thread I see

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Didn't she do scat and piss somewhere in the Middle East? She used to shill herself on /hc/ and some people doxxed her IIRC.

> are mostly anti-white these days
thank god. Whites are so fucking annoying. Remember gamergate and trump posters? Jesus christ what an embarrassment.

great videogame thread you fucking retard

He wasn't really built good

Shut the fuck up already, you filthy American subhuman.

Fuck yeah. Incels are pathetic. Imagine being mad at not getting pussy