Which is better, Doom 3 or Doom 3 BFG edition?
note: I already have played doom 1 and 2 with gzdoom, so them being included in BFG means nothing to me.
Which is better, Doom 3 or Doom 3 BFG edition?
note: I already have played doom 1 and 2 with gzdoom, so them being included in BFG means nothing to me.
Other urls found in this thread:
you haven't played doom
>implying it's much of a difference.
What a fag.
I turned off jump and crouch, but I'm not trying to seek your approval angways faggot
Go for Doom 3, not BFG.
Got a VR set?
Don't have one?
>implying you know what implicatipns are
lolmoa get memed on kidd
Doom 3 is better and more challenging. However, if you don't have a relatively new PC you might have performance issues.
But user...I like memes.
If you like achievements go for the BFG edition.
What about classic Doom on the BFG edition?
Doom 3, watched my little sister play both recently, BFG is fucking disgusting.
Why would you need that specific Doom? JUst download it elsewhere.
Tell me how it is more fucking disgusting.
achievements = BFG edition
you want the true doom 3 experience : original WITHOUT ducttape mod
also original is open source (aka free) so there's that
Cheevos are cancer, mate.
Play the game as it was originally launched, and not how they pandered to console smoothbrains
Just get the BFG Edition, it's cheap and often on sale. it's not that bad as they say, I've played both. The extra ammo and enemy placement might ruin the flow since the original game is not designed for it but it's not game breaking like some people say. Plus there's a bonus chapter that has Paul eiding who voices a scientist and he guides you via radio using his colonel voice as you venture into hell fighting demons. It's pretty interesting.
BFG was a test for 2016, That's why it's levels are like total trash.
Also. The Flashlight is like ultra broken in BFG. Duck tape mod was superior.
I had someone not believe me when I said Paul also voiced Max from Ben10. Like how tf could they not hear it. I expected to hear Max start communicating with someone named Snake and monologing to him from the 1st ep.
i played the original doom 3 about a month ago for the first time since 2004. It was pretty good.
of course it is, it was considered to be HL2 rival when it came out (steam vs no steam)
it's just Yas Forums style to shit on everything that become a bit too mainstream
Yeah and I was crazy playing half-life 2 back then... non steam, I didn't have internet till 2008. I had doom3 too, but I think it ran to slow for me and I just forgot about it even when I had upgraded my computer later. It's not like OG doom, it's not like nuDoom either. It's a different type of game. I like all the doom games
Doom 3 with mods, namely this and Sikkmod and some texture shit.
Sick of these shitposts. Let's just enjoy the theme
Doom 3 BFG for VR, Doom 3 for normal playthrough
I love Doom 3
>Which is better, Doom 3 or Doom 3 BFG edition?
The best Doom 3 is Doom 64.
more like the best Doom 2
Could you give an example of why it doesn't count? I keep seing this post but without a point ever actually being made.