Hello Yas Forums

Hello Yas Forums
/vr/ here
I have a simple question . What is your opinion on the n64 controller?

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Great if the stick is in good condition.

Hello fellow average American.

I enjoyed how you could play shooters using two controllers.


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I am not American, I am hatian

I never regret playing n64 games, especially racers

Don't know about the controller but I can tell you that porch monkeys are a disguting lot. NOw get out of my face filthy nigger.

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And there goes the condition of the stick. The tug of war minigame was the absolute peak of control stick destruction, especially in the single player mode.

Did anyone actually hold the middle grip to use the joystick?

I never thought about it as a kid but looking back what the fuck were they thinking with that design. How often was the d-pad used, honestly.

>rule 3
>go back to Yas Forums

Attached: arino_n64.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Still American

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Kirby 64

Attached: 306507-kirby-64-the-crystal-shards-wii-u-front-cover.jpg (438x370, 41.31K)

Attached: arino_n64-2.jpg (1280x720, 123.24K)

I did, I'm right handed, had my left hand on the center grip, and right hand on the right grip.

Man I don't remember that at all and I probably beat that game 400 times.

Go back to twitter you underage.

Not even close

Handles ok for anything 2D and 3D for the most part. Kind of awkward to handle. Any kind of shooting combat kind of sucks though especially if your trying to move and aim at the same time.

Is that normal? Never had a n64, but just imagining it, it sounds like it would feel awkward as hell

I doubt it, but I was only 7 so with small kid hands if I had my left hand on the left handle I don't think I would've had as much control over the joystick

It's funny how the N64 stick is more precise than modern sticks but is so fragile

Apart from the sticks going bad easily, it was a fine controller. It's obviously obselete to future controllers, but it feels comfortable while holding and there are no games where the controller is at all an issue. Anyone who shits on it is a confirmed zoomer who has never actually played a real n64 like this retard: What they were thinking was that if it was a 3D game, you put your left hand on the middle handle to use the joystick. If it were a 2D game, you'd put your left hand on the left handle to use the Dpad. The Dpad was seldom used because who the fuck didn't want to be getting in on 3D, the newest technology.

Why would being left-handed make a difference?

Other than the stick wear it was perfect

That's how it was intended

>woke incel
>sees dark skin
>immedietly starts kissing ass


i like it. It's comfortable to hold and has plenty of buttons, the only genuine flaw is that the stick goes to shit really easily.

Obviously the design was made redundant with later controller designs, but at the beginning of the fifth gen, nobody knew what kind of controllers would be needed - The design of the N64 controller is a catch-all meant to mitigate whatever style of game you'd make for the hardware.

I think we all let it slide because we were too busy shitting ourselves over 3D games. But in retrospect, basically designed for an alien.

Yeah, on one hand , it's a weird controller. Asymmetric - and on top of that, we dont rarely needed the d-pad. But, we rarely need the d-pad on any modern controller. The N64 controller has a great joystick. But beyond that, everything else about it is bad.

No need for the c-buttons. It was a great idea, but when they made it a joystick on the gamecube, it finally made sense. Two major face buttons is too few. Shoehorned the games into kid-friendly doodoobrain tier bullshit. And the shoulder buttons were hot dogshit. The Z button was cool, but that was it.

wtf was the point of the pack slot on the back...? Nintendo are grift wizards. They make complex dumbass toys to make money.

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