Am I missing something? I just don't see the appeal gameplay wise, and this is coming from someone who likes Harvest Moon/Rune Factory (which I've seen AC loosely being compared to) games quite a lot.
I have never played an Animal Crossing game in my life
I also like harvest moon and bought AC new leaf to see what it was all about
It's the worst fucking "game" I've ever seen. Zero content, all you do is do the same chores every day to unlock a new wallpaper for your house.
Yeah, that's what I mean. I see lots of people talking about it but it's always "I made this shirt based on this pic" and "haha buying furniture, so funny". Is there actually some gameplay to this or is it just a paying rent simulator?
There's no gameplay at all, all you do is walk around your minuscule map and interact with various objects. Everything is time-gated, you can only do activities once a day. During the first week, you have things to do and discover (grind money to upgrade your house), then quickly you'll have no real purpose, just logging in for 30 minutes to do your daily chores to get a random shirt.
You know you don't have to get everything right? I get it you feel left out because everyone is on it but it's time for you to find something to enjoy on your own lil guy. There has been an mainline entry since 2013 people are gonna talk about it
That's not even what the thread's about, though?
Rub two brain cells together you fucking halfwit. If you can comprehend why someone would like a busywork game like Harvest Moon, you can understand why someone would like the exact same kind of game, only with less stress.
>I just don't see the appeal of X
>Am I missing something
it literally is though
Oh right, I forgot that you aren't allowed to ask others what they like about a game, maybe in an attempt to understand its appeal or if there's something you didn't know about it. Silly me, wanting to talk about games on the game board!
OP your biggest mistake was criticizing this game. Notice how you can't find any reviews that call it out on the lack of stores, furniture and things to do. It's worse than an MMO with the time gating
What you see is what you get really. I emulated Wild World to try it since a friend of mine was obsessed with it, and ended up liking it enough to get New Horizons. I liked the villagers in Wild World more, but I like New Horizons more overall.
If you liked those games, you might like animal crossing, but truthfully, its main appeal is mostly just cute fluff shit.
Luckily, I'm a sucker for cute fluff shit.
>another pcmasterracer falseflag thread featuring someone who "just doesn't get" animal crossing
we've had like, 20 of these per day since the game's release. we know they're all you. just stop.
>It's another "I just don't see the appeal of Animal Crossing" episode
I just don't appeal of spamming this same question.
These games are made with lonely people in mind. If you have a girlfriend and/or an active social life, you naturally pass these games by because they don't give you anything you're not already getting in real life. When you're a lonely kissless virgin, however, the cute female villager saying hi to you and sending you a letter makes you feel important. You wanna put off that suicide a little more each time it happens. If you don't play for a day, the villagers miss you. You are needed.
At least that's what it was when I played the first one. It's 15 years later, I have a gf and friends and I can't be assed to play another one of these games.
how come harvest moon fans are always so hostile
>wtf how do people enjoy stardew stupid tumblr game
>wtf how do people enjoy rune factory stupid waifu game
>wtf how do people enjoy animal crossing stupid chore game
>If you have a girlfriend and/or an active social life, you naturally pass these games
That's funny because New Horizons is probably the most popular game to play with friends at the moment right now. Try going on social media for 5 seconds, literally all it is people playing AC with their partner.
pathetic desu
I'm seriously starting to get worried about you all, I just said I never played AC and from what I see on the outside I just don't see the appeal, personally. That's why I asked if I'm missing something, because maybe it is a game I may like in the end, and maybe I'm just wrong and there's more to it, hence why I ask. It's an innocent question, why the hell would I want to attack a franchise I know nothing about? What's with the persecution complex?
I'm a /vp/ tourist and this is the first thread I make here in months, though. Really, I didn't take ACfags to be this sensible.
>wtf how do people enjoy rune factory stupid waifu game
I literally said in the OP that I do play Rune Factory but okay.
I can't say for sure but the new one is the only one in history that's massively multiplayer. I only played the original, which AFAIK didn't allow people to play together.
Do you want to know how I can tell that you dont have a gf?
its a skinner box for housewives and very young girls
I've never played an Animal Crossing game either and I have no interest in doing so. I don't understand how they even qualify as games if there's no purpose to what you're doing. What's the goal? Is there a game over screen? If people want busy work so badly why not play an MMO? At least those have real gameplay.
I think I'm getting too old for video games.
>dUrRrRr UmMMmmmm.... WaTz dA aPpEaL oF AnImUL CwOsZing?!?!11?
what's the deal with your dumb fucking head, faggot?
>free autistic diatribe
Go ahead user.
You can apply what you just said to any creative sandbox game, user.
It’s fun, faggot. Cope
Okay that's great! How about answering my questions.
But that's not even true. Something like Minecraft has a credits roll and a real objective in killing the Ender Dragon, so I don't know what you're on about.
Back in the day people said similar things about the first Harvest Moon. It's the sort of thing you have to try to even begin to understand it, but you aren't guaranteed to like it.
The best comparison I can draw to it was having a subscription to Nintendo Power when I was a kid. Every month I had something to look forward to, I was always excited for the mail to come when I was waiting on the new issue. Animal Crossing is like that, but every day. I am always looking forward to the stores opening in the morning to see what I get. I am always looking forward to digging up my fossils for the day. I am always looking forward to seeing what new visitors are in my town. On top of all of that, I usually have a project I am working on in the game, some goal that I am working towards, but there is very little (if any) pressure involved.
In some ways playing AC every day is like opening a number of loot boxes every day, you get a little rush every time you see whatever random things you get every day.
>Tfw you dont have a gf to play animal crossing with
I'm so sorry you're lonely user
Entertaining/comfy interactions with cutsey animal villagers.
Collectathon and grind of fish, bugs, fossils, house expansion and furniture.
Sandbox element - decorating your home + village + character.
Quirky events and progression, tied to the passage of real time.
What's there not to get?
>What's the goal?
You help a landlord boomer realize his manchild fantasy of having his favourite washed-up musician play a concert on a privatized island, doing all the landscaping and paying for the property development necessary to entice said musician by selling fish and bugs to a hyperactive e-sports streamer and his autistic hentai commisionist boyfriend while avoiding getting Bognadoff'd by a loli boar.
>Is there a game over screen?
Unironically yes.
I should have known this was just a cope. Keep seething kissless virgin.
But New Horizons does have a credits roll, the whole game has a progression system that takes at least a week and a half to complete.
Of course you "don't know what I'm on about" because you don't know anything, period.
>have a gf
>she makes you play AC
Sorry to hear about your inferior gf user.
Don't try user, this place is too defensive of animal crossing because
1. It's the largest Nintendo released game this year and all nintendofags are very defensive of it right now
2. It's a game that appeals alot to trannies and furry for obvious reasons. And this place definitely has a lot of them types.
And if you want to find a reason why normies and Yas Forums likes it, don't bother since most of the answer will be
>its very comfy
>i just want to decorate
>i like the animal friends
No one really knows a legit reason for liking it, it's nothing special and many other games has done it better like the sims. it's just stuck with them for some reason.
>Game has to have an "ending" (despite minecraft just spitting you back into the overworld) to not be a skinner box
Usually I don’t enjoy threads that are blatant bait, but I really do enjoy looking at the poor souls who find nothing to like in animal crossing.
video game culture has always been somewhat stuck in adolescence, but in the last ten years it has become downright infantilizing. Gamers demand the same flow of constant, easy to complete tasks in order to achieve a state of brain numbing where they are neither thinking too hard about beating the game or thinking about how miserable their actual lives are, and the gaming companies have fed them as you’ve paid for stupid little costumes to make you’re character “more unique”
Animal crossing’s open ended design confuses the capitalist infant gaming consumer. He needs to be told what to do constantly in order to keep the no no thoughts away. When faced with a game that actually gives them a form of freedom in which they have genuine autonomy, the infant gamer becomes angry, infuriated even. He comes to
Video games to close his mind, to have his creativity condensed into 3 equally aesthetically bankrupt options.
It’s a joy truly to encounter you. You help me understand how gaming has become so poisoned and useless.
To think people once predicted this medium would surpass the artistic heights of literature and film. How wrong we were, for we could never have expected the infant gamer, with his greasy Food-stained controller and overly stimulated brain, to sit in the way, stubbornly refusing to grow up even as he enters his middle age.
Imagine thinking Sims is anywhere comparable to Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing doesn't play like a keyboard and mouse tycoon game, user.
Continuing this: The cherry on top of that daily dopamine rush is that the game is designed with all sorts of little touches here and there that makes it feel mysterious. People are still figuring out this game weeks after it came out, in fucking 2020. There is a theory right now that if you emote at one of the Dodos running the airport that you will get sent to better islands, but we're still not sure yet.
It's also just very comfy. Once you get your town hall every hour of the day has its own music, its own atmosphere. Lighting is different at different times of the day. I just started my game up and there seems to be high wind, the breeze is going through the trees, I can both see and hear it. That's not remarkable technology, but within the context of this game it just really adds to the atmosphere. There are hundreds of things like that in these games, stuff that just exists to add to the atmosphere and make things feel different from day to day.
Thank you! This is why I made this thread, I wanted a genuine answer as an outsider who knows nothing about AC except for what I sometimes see online. Don't know why everyone jumped to insults when I didn't even say anything bad about it, just asking.
Put this way I can start to see the appeal, since I've felt this way with other games before, plus AC has the cute factor going on for it which I guess is also nice. I don't know if nowadays that'd be my sort of game, though, but I guess in the future it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
Again, how is wanting to know more of a game franchise I never tried bait? I'm trying to reach out, try new things. I wouldn't have made this thread otherwise. I never even attacked AC, no need to jump at my throat, Jesus.
So why not just give that information in the first place instead of acting like an uppity faggot? That told me exactly what I wanted to know. Now I can understand that in having an actual goal, there is merit in it being an actual video game.
You kids get so defensive when anyone goes against popular opinion.
Never played animal crossing either, but isn't rune factory literally the same shit? Go to farm, woo girls, beat up monsters repeat ad infinitum.
Sorry I like to play games with my gf user.
Btw, "domestic abuse" isnt a game.
The issue is that Animal Crossing fans always try way too hard to act humble, so they don't put any effort into trying to sell the game to people or at least explain the appeal of it. They just go "it's a comfy little town simulator teehee" and leave it there without expanding on it any further, leaving people to believe that the game has no point, but it does, it has many points. If you are having trouble understanding the game then I don't blame you, because it seems like no-one wants to try and articulate why they enjoy it.
I'll do my best to explain why Animal Crossing is so addicting:
The main gimmick is that it’s a living and breathing game that’s active and running when you’re not playing. Every time you come back to the game something has changed while you were gone because it simulates a real town 24/7. Think of it like an advanced Tamagotchi except instead of raising a pet, you’re living a second life in a little village populated by animal people.
Everything in the game has a unique cause and effect reaction, everything you do has a payoff that feels genuinely rewarding, and the whole game is all about setting up things so that when you come back the next day you will see how your actions have changed the game world.
You can't achieve or obtain anything easily in Animal Crossing so the payoff feels great and that dopamine rush is what keeps you hooked, you're always seeking that next high, the game is way less dull than it looks because you're always working towards something.
People don't play Animal Crossing because they just loooooove listening to the stupid animals talk and repeat the same sentences over and over, it's because the sense of progression in the game is addictive by nature.
Trust me, Animal Crossing wouldn't be as popular and successful as it is if it was just a "boring and aimless town simulator with nothing to do."
How the fuck do you play AC "with" someone
The infant gamer must always have his experiences laid out for him. He must know every possible thing to discover before he ventures in at risk he may encounter something which challenges his notion of worth.
The infant gamer, as is expected of any infant, grows irate when the reflection of his own babbling is presented back at him. He expects to be cuddled and nursed, not treated as an adult
My gf won't stop bugging me about playing the game. I honestly wish you didn't post bait and this was true
Because the second post in this entire thread opened up with "it's the worst fucking game in existence" followed by OP agreeing.
But AC is neither creative not sandbox
Go to friends island and play it. Same with any multiplayer game.
The game has online multiplayer, dummy. You can travel to different people's towns and hang out with them.
That's a lot of projection user. Are you not happy with your girlfriend? I guess that's where we differ.
lol that crusty turd retards like to pull out. And this time it really is a retard.
And it's for white people. Disgusting.
I think the original game had a lot more substance when you could do favors for villagers at any given time. I would do that while waiting for balloons to fly over.
You guys just need to find better girlfriends. No matter what you look like, you can do better than some uggo who insists on playing this shit.
>Have an endless amount of resources to judge a game for yourself at your finger tips
>Have the entire internet to get alternative opinions to hopefully answer your question
>Some how miss the hundreds of threads asking your same question almost every day
>Pull the victim card "dont jump at my throat jeez!"
That's like calling a blank canvas uncreative. It's only as creative as you make it out to be.
Judging by your personality you probably lack any sort of creativity and are probably an NPC.
> lot more substance
> names one thing
Dude you can literally design the layout of your town now how is that less substance
As an atheist, I agree.
It's worth noting that the first week of the game is total dogshit if you don't time travel.
After that, it's pretty chill though.