Will Nier get a sequel soon?

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wow 2Black is based and redpilled
now i can masterbate to her :)))
*tugs on willy*


lets hope it


>Finally a nier thread
>It's fucking bleached shit

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Die Yas Forumstard.

COLONIZED 2P is best


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nigger there are 2 other threads going on right now, the fuck you mean finally


porn whores aren't real life

This but unironically

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>paid whores and cringe edits
>paid whores and cringe edits

wew lad

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Why do you like blacked porn so much?

>real life woman are subhuman and literal trash
Yeah well tell me something new already

Ass too fat and too dark

>crack whore with literal daddy issues

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>some teary-eyed hooker
If you really want to play this game...

How seething do you have to be to make your sexual fantasy be one that just spites a group of people that largely dont know you exist?

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Wew lad!

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Why are amerispics so obsessed with race?

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>same meme stats since 2009

>i want to be owned by a man
>i don't want to be owned by a man
Woman logic.

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56% muttified
if they get to 60% muttification they will transform into brazilians

>Huge Swastika tattoo ect covering ass/tits
If you gonna do it at least make it smaller. Looks awful

Pshawww wew lad!

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well, if that aint a cry for help...

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Yorha is rightful property of the Nordic Master Race

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>females are looking for a beta provider while they fuck 100 guys behind hubbies back
Nothing new, females are cancer.

>BLACKEDfags throwing a fit at the same identical rubbish they post just with different races

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post you gf faggot

Asian men are the richest though

Imagine all the platinum blonde ARYAN android children she will have bros

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Hello? Is this the based thread?

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>If I delude myself enough, I won't need to acknowledge statistics!
Oof! Cope Chang