What went wrong?

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Other than a little bit Trails social link stuff, absolutely nothing

Haha that's our adol


Adol did absolutely nothing with this

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He doesn't do anything with any girls.

hes married to ADVENTURE only and already
but then he canonically had plenty of grandchildren, so i'd like to think that he put plenty of babies in all the girls he had met on the way

Grinding out skills sucks. I also didn't like the Napishtim reference boss because it reminded me that Ys will never be that great again. Other than that it was a good game

Other than being an Ys game after Origin, nothing really, it's one of the better 3D party system Ys games. But in the end it's still a Falcom game made after they have lost their touch.


The story after you meet the four niggas goes into the shitter. Ending is insulting.
Exploration part of the story was absolutely 11/10 kino.

>Exploration part of the story was absolutely 11/10 kino.
What is 11/10 kino about it? Exploring the low quality low poly environments that would feel right at home on a PS2 with lackluster level designs while mediocre combat happens while watered down impotent Falcom music is playing in the background feels more sad than anything.

The ending.

either the PSP version is just trash or napishtim sucks balls. out of all of the PSP games that was the only one that i hated

You just don't like it. It's okay user, there are other games, just move on. There's no need to be salty about it on a taiwanese anonymous board.

The PSP version was shit. Should have played PC or even the slightly less good PS2 version

No shit, genious detective. I even said why I didn't like it. I'm not salty, I was legitimately curious what was kino about it for you because I don't see it.

NO, i HAVE to scream about how nu-ys is shit and the party system ruined everything in EVERY ys thread i see otherwise no one will know how much BETTER my opinion is than theirs

I'm sorry you feel that way.

This, but unironically. Ys8 is the closest to a decent Ys game after the shitty party system was introduced, and it's still mediocre as fuck compared to the ones before.

>but then he canonically had plenty of grandchildren
Sounds like bullshit. Provide a source faggot.


No need for you to do that, I'm not the one labelling painful mediocrity 11/10 kino after all.

>reference boss
which one is that?

Ys VIII is pure adventure 11/10 kino and there's nothing you can do about it!
Stay salty and keep on hating :^)

>Play on the hardest difficulty
>Everything is a one shot
>If you don't have a certain damage type you do zero damage
>Get hit once, have to go back to a crystal to revive your party member

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>play on the hardest difficulty
>the one that the game literally calls "unfair"
what did you expect was going to happen

Too long

>playing on a harder difficulties for a JRPG
Why? All Falcom does for their hard modes is slightly increase bosses stats and make them HP sponges, its not fun.

OP is a faggot as per usual. Just got the game a couple days ago and I've been having a blast.

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inferno isnt a real difficulty, nightmare and hard are the fair but challenging ones

Absolutely nothing, its by far the best Ys game they made

inferno is a meme

Nightmare is the mode almost all Ys games that have it are balanced around

lmao, I don't need to do anything about it, it says more about your lack of standards than anything else

That's not Felghana.


You don't play the whole game as past Dana or Adol with 3 different swords.

flashguard, dodge roll, ability spam, party members

Hard mode without items during combat is the way to play.

Yes, that is correct.

>Why? All Falcom does for their hard modes is slightly increase bosses stats and make them HP sponges, its not fun.
You know, back when Y's wasn't shit they gave bosses more complex attack patterns.

Well when its something like Ys8, that isn't present.

>Xseed got Ys IX

W-we did it bros!

It's my first ys game and i'm like 9h in it in hard mode and i find trash mob harder than bosses for now who i just tornado spam to death.
Game is ok