Just finished this. Its was amazing. I had a few problems with it though

Just finished this. Its was amazing. I had a few problems with it though.

Why was sable so strong when she fought spiderman. Isnt she just a regular human. She easily got him twice.
Why was Peter shocked when dr octavius said he knew spiderman was peter. He showed him the costume at the start of the game. Did peter really think that the doctor only thought of him as the costume designer? Cause that's retarded.
Why was dr octavius so strong that peter needed a new suit? He fought multiple of his supervillain enemies at once and didnt really struggle enemies even stronger than him. Dr just got his arms too boot and wasnt skilled at fighting.

The ending felt off, pete said he was considering a career change and then just kissed mj. Then the credits rolled it wasnt that impactful.
Mj and miles sections were tedious.

Still an amazing game, fun combat with different ways to fight.

What did you guys think of it?

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>Why was sable so strong when she fought spiderman. Isnt she just a regular human. She easily got him twice.
Because she's a strong woman from whateverthefuckistan (seriously)

>Why was Peter shocked when dr octavius said he knew spiderman was peter. He showed him the costume at the start of the game. Did peter really think that the doctor only thought of him as the costume designer? Cause that's retarded.
Yes, he apparently sincerely thought that. The writing is shit and cringey in this game all across the board.

>Why was dr octavius so strong that peter needed a new suit? He fought multiple of his supervillain enemies at once and didnt really struggle enemies even stronger than him. Dr just got his arms too boot and wasnt skilled at fighting.
they wanted a climactic conclusion and like I said, the writing in this game is shit

I got it from a sale with all the DLC, I liked the time I spent with it, gameplay was pretty fun, combat was fun, the world was fun (at first) but got pretty boring and repetitive eventually. I did NOT like the foced Miles / MJ sections. Their "perspective" didn't really add anything of value at least for me.

>Why was sable so strong when she fought spiderman. Isnt she just a regular human
is a marvel game may guy she fights superhumans all the time and you realy thing spider-man was trying his best to beat her

you must have a small brain to not understand shit that happens in this game

I thought it was boring and gave it back a few weeks after i borrowed it, having played maybe 5 hours

that’s what you think but after replaying it you will realize is just a ok game with a very good story (besides mary jane and the greyhaired bitch), a good combat that could be even better if they keep polishing and adding stuff, but have shitty steath sections and could have better side mission

>Why was dr octavius so strong that peter needed a new suit?

Some bullshit about Octavius' arms out-reacting Spidey's super-powered reaction times, so Peter upping the game by using the same tech in his new suit.

It's a fun game with an awful story, what the fuck are you smoking?

I’d give it 4 stars (out of 5). It was good but not great. I am really looking forward to the sequel though. Insomniac are so good at developing sequels. I think the second game will be a legit classic.

Doc Ock's arms are super strong you help him find the best materials for them in those lab minigames throughout the story. The regular spidey suit isn't up to the job.

>There are some minor inconsequential plotholes

Yas Forums, this is why it's really hard to take your opinions seriously. You look REALLY stupid when you puff out your chest and try to pull the wannabe English teacher act. Absolutely nobody on the planet would get this huffy about plotholes like this.

The answer to all your questions is: the story of this game fucking sucks.

The game is fine. The story is awful. Are you retarded?

>I am really looking forward to the sequel though.

uhh user...

But the writing is shit. Absolute shit at that.


>The ending felt off, pete said he was considering a career change and then just kissed mj. Then the credits rolled it wasnt that impactful.
Have to set up the franchise to be taken over by the minority pretenders

It's NOT awful. It's pretty bog standard and generic as fuck, but if you genuinely think it's AWFUL then I'd love to live in your world.

You didn't hear about the copyright dispute between Sony and Marvel or Spidey? There's no more Spidey-related games coming out in the foreseeable future.

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And if I lived in your world I'd blow my dumb faggot brains out.

it's fine to have lower standards

Why are you so angry in a fucking Spiderman thread, user? lol

Nah fuck off. This hyperbolic "EVERYTHING MUST BE PERFECT OR IT'S PURE GARBAGE OH NO NO NO Yas ForumsROS" rhetoric is cancerous as fuck when it comes to discussions on Yas Forums. Something being bland and inconsequential doesn't make it BAD. Ride To Hell Retribution's story is bad. Spiderman is anything but.

sable being strong is literally "muh wymyn" and you cant convince me otherwise

Same shit with the woman in uncharted 4, she fucking manhandles drake like a child (and its not like she is built well or anything like that)

Because they injected soi into the new Spiderman and all the women are the least sexy and most annoying they've ever been and Spiderman takes a back seat to them a lot.

>Did peter really think that the doctor only thought of him as the costume designer?
He thought that must be the case, as Doc wouldn't be trying to fucking murder him if he thought he was Peter

You're right but she was created in 1985 when strong women weren't as common

Sony never had sole ownership of video game rights for Spiderman, only the film rights

I saw it as Batman-style plot armor. When you mix in a regular human with superhumans, you can't just have them get trashed and expect them to maintain their coolness. I never got the impression that she was actually stronger than Spidey, just more trained and able to catch him off guard a few times.
>Peter's surprise at Doc's revelation
It led to one of the best emotional moments in the game. "You knew... You KNEW" fuckin' chills man. It's not retarded so much as Peter assuming Otto is naive, which is a naive behavior itself.
>How is Doc so strong
Honestly this is an issue with the cartoons, movie and even comics. Otto has a normal human body, and a single punch from Spiderman should kill him or at least shatter bones. This was really more about satisfying the "11th hour power" trope, where the hero gets some additional powers or new tactics to use for the final battle.

I had a lot of fun with it overall. Yes, the stealth parts weren't that great, but they were short enough to avoid being tedious IMO. Just dull. I feel like you totally skipped the real gut-punch of the ending where Aunt May dies. Was not expecting that.

but she was still just a normal human
spiderman should be able to just grab her and break her arms in a snap

HOW is it awful? Decriptions, arguments. Make a case and present what you thought was wrong and why.
Spewing forth an opinion with no content of why just makes you look like a fucking moron.

Kingpin is a normal human but he throws spidey around like a ragdoll

You’re thinking about the MCU, and that was settled ages ago.

Because we cant have nice things anymore.

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