Harufags, how do you cope?

Harufags, how do you cope?

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>killed her dad
>this still happens
idk man

Asshole Akechi is the best part of Royal so far so I don’t mind.

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I’ve gotten pretty used to Atlus shitting on her existence at this point.

My question is: why do the Phantom Thieves give a shit about a backstabbing, unapologietic murderer that they barely hung around with and fucked with since the get-go?

because every single one of them has a personal conflict similar to his so they relate/sympathize with him. also he’s strong and smart as fuck and they need him to succeed.

Ryuji doesn’t.

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Why didn't they tried to appeal to that and work towards that goal in the original game instead of having to wait for a revision?

I mean, Ryuji almost cries when he finds out that Akechi died again.

I think I read somewhere once that the writers intentionally made Akechi’s death vague to gauge audience reaction to the character. If people didn’t like him, he’d stay dead. Hell, there’s even evidence of him having a palace at some point in the game files but it was scrapped. But now that he’s popular they’re using him more.

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Sure I get peoples reactions but i don't get character in-games reaction. Albeit I am speaking as someone who has not played Royale and only the original so they could have rewrote characters giving a shit but I definitely remember the original everyone hating the dude. Killing someones dad then attempting to kill Joker and then being all buddy buddy just seemed really weird.

They were only “buddy buddy” because they wanted Akechi to take revenge on his father. In Royal, Akechi turns himself in for his crimes.

I assume then that he doesn't get killed by himself in royale? How does that work?

It’s complicated as to how he lives.

>turns himself in
So he pretty much kills himself then, alright.

But uh.
He doesn’t.

Nah, they can’t prove he did anything. But it’s the thought that counts.

writing team just fucking despises haru doesn't it

He does though. He lives for sequelbait.

based and ryujipilled

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Remember, kids. Rape is good for the soul. It makes you a better person. I'm glad to have been raped and so should you.

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He dies

New content takes place in a dream world, this alive Akechi is just a dream, after they beat the true boss they go back to the real world where Akechi is dead

>Yas Forums only cares about shiho getting raped when it can further their shitty arguments

what the hell is that ending where he appeared with some guys.

>New content takes place in a dream world, this alive Akechi is just a dream, after they beat the true boss they go back to the real world where Akechi is dead
All of this is wrong. Please play Royal.

Get raped, son.

Except he doesn’t because the ending is very fucking vague and he doesn’t turn himself in. Did you play the game at all?

>In Royal, Akechi turns himself in for his crimes.
Haha no, that was in the dream.
REAL Goro fucks off somewhere.

Did YOU? He turns himself in before the dream world happens, and Joker doesn’t go to jail.

It isn't a shit argument when the game itself is bad. Just bad.

Royale fucking sucks, that the hell?

Why are you so fucking wrong? There is no “dream” goro and “real” one. It’s all the same one.