These games are actually good. Not a masterpiece but still very enjoyable and full with fun dumb. Why people hate it?
These games are actually good. Not a masterpiece but still very enjoyable and full with fun dumb. Why people hate it?
Autistic contrarianism
Unless youre talking about the ps3 versions in which case hardware seriously hindered the gameplay
Because it's highly rated.
I've always liked them
>Saves Uncharted
>Kills Shadow of the Colossus
The duality of Bluepoint
it got boring after 2
A lot of people on here don't even actually know what they're like.
They think they literally are movies like telltale games or something.
Also a lot of people play it wrong. I've seen it too many times. They complain about the gameplay but then you see them play and they're behind the same piece of cover all fight trying to pop super accurate headshots and getting flanked.
Best way to play uncharted is to embrace your inner brainlet and play full action hero mode running and gunning and going for melee takedowns.
uncharted 1 is one of my least favorite games of all time.
the series got a fuck of a lot better with 2, but god damn is 1 a hunk of shit
Can someone please explain to me what is wrong with the remake? Is it a dumbass SOUL/SOULLESS thing or is it actually worse than the original?
They're alright games. Most people agree on that. The problem is that many feel they get more praise then they deserve, past that point. Whether you agree or disagree is up to you.
First 3 are great. 4 is the end for uncharted. For druckmann for removing fun and making it be a political statement.
Remember when a black grill took on 2 white guys and won?!
4 is still amazing in my opinion. The locations are beautiful and the gameplay is fun as fuck. I liked Nadine but her beating up Drake was so fucking silly
they changed some things like expression and stuff like that. mostly nitpicking
Lost Legacy was pretty good. Probably because Cuckmann didn't have a hand in it.
I’ve always enjoyed them and the multiplayer has always been better than it’s had any right to be. I had H1N1 years ago and I was stuck at home for a few weeks and I dumped countless hours into U2 and it’s MP. Years later, I found U4 to be good fun. I don’t get the hate. I would be more sympathetic to the “movie game” meme if they weren’t so well done and ultimately a good time. Also, the horde mode was fantastic in 2. I don’t know why that game mode has fallen out of favor in recent years. I like the series and always will.
4 will be way better when they rerelease it in 60fps on ps5
>The problem is that many feel they get more praise then they deserve, past that point.
But user, the things that got more praise is usually the stuff that isn’t specially bery clever/intelligent. Look the MCU movies are good movies that are superpopular but i don’t think nobody pretend is nothing but a movie to pass up time. Not Kubrick movies or birdman are going to be popular amongs normies, save with viyda. And nothing wong with that
I'm just saying why some people may or may not like it. Nor is it being wrong or anything.
>Boring and trite set pieces
>No supernatural element
>Grill power black grill who gets no punishment whatsoever and is forced into the next uncharted
>Silly things gone from game because the studio "grew up"
I will give you the fact that 4 is the best gameplay out of all the uncharted games but it was just disappointing
Uncharted 2 is one of the greatest of all time, in both single-player and multiplayer
and ASS
>These games are actually good
This actually makes me want to pick it up. The only thing that was throwing me away from it is that Nadine is forced in there.
Too popular. At least, that's the reason for Yas Forums's general reaction. In reality: 1 is a straight up middling to bad game. 2 and 3 are fun action romps that know exactly what they are and what they're doing. If you really wanted to get into it you can pick them apart, but overall they're a pretty good time if you're just looking to plan an action hero story.
Nadine Ross is an actually good character. Stop being contrarian.
They butchered her ass in 3. I still love her tho
I agree with those except for the set pieces. I felt like they were toned down but I still really enjoyed them. Like the segment in the Jeep through the city.
Can't believe they nerfed her ass in 4
Literally me but fatter
True. I'm honestly surprised they brought it back in TLL.
If I'm going off of 4. She is not a good character at all. I'm not sure what legacy no will have in store. But she was barely a character in 4.
She's much better in TLL
A shame that the collection doesn't include multiplayer, even if it's to be expected.
>Please, someone make a cosplyay, a fan art is valid. I’m begging you fuckinh please
4's multiplayer is still really fun, especially because of the rope.
But it still will never top 2's multiplayer
you have 4 free on plus, just play 4 online
How the fuck can you cosplay as someone wearing street clothes and a vest?
By this logic I cosplay as Drake every day (I like my three button no collar sleeves)
Everything has been done before. Jungle, beach, pirate ship. Sure, they fleshed out what they did this time. But it's nothing too special.
The theme for 1 was jungle
The theme for 2 was snow
The theme for 3 was sand
The theme for 4 should have been water or volcanos. I always thought something with Atlantis would have been cool.
Yeah I know what you mean
1 has a pretty generic story and horrifically bullet sponge enemies.
2's good on all fronts.
3's pretty shitting on all fronts. You can tell it was made by the B team to fill the gap while they worked on Last of Us and then Uncharted 4. 3 never should have existed.