He hasn’t played Bloons

>he hasn’t played Bloons
It’s quarantine time! Come on user, surely you got the game through a sale? You can at least name your favorite tower, right?

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Don’t you have a smash thread to go back to?

I'm surprised how much they've been able to improve this series over the years.
Crossbow monkey best new tower upgrade

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>discount cross path MiB
>not jungle drums for both the larger radius and attack speed buff

Why are you payihng for a flash game?

>he paid full price and not a literal buck during the sales.

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>he didn’t pirate it


>he's too young to remember
why would I pay anything at all for a flash game

You mean td5? This is a new game, Td6.

>flash game
It’s made in unity, but ok.


>thread dead
F, though more people played this game.

Guess I’ll just let this thread die.

Isn't 6 just a cashgrab? I thought 5 was the peak of the franchise? The 3D in 6 looks like shit

Arcane spike is the best shit ever and you can't convince me otherwise.

It rubs off on you, and the artwork is pretty good. I would consider it a cash grab, that’s more or so the adventure time spinoff with literal microtransactions in it.

6 adds a lot of really good stuff actually, like the heroes mechanic, a 3rd update path and 5 upgrades in each path instead of 4.

although they did get rid of dartling so my opinion of it fell through the ground

>he doesn’t know
Dartling is coming back, it’s been datamined along with some other academy tower. Supposedly, due to an nk fuckup with the challenge planner, we can expect 8 more towers in this game.

>arcane spike
>not the superior, btd1 referencing necromancer/prince of darkness

Oh hell yeah, thanks for letting me know.

I decided to take a break from BTD6 as all the monkey knowledge grinding was kinda tiring me out, but after hearing that dartling boy is coming back i might start getting back into it.

>he doesn't like decimating those ceramic fuckers in wave 63

Found the lead bloon.

>arcane spike
>doing anything against 63
>not just using the CHAD Apache

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Wait, btd1 reference? How?

why would i use your filthy shitty technologic military towers when magic towers are there, do the job better, and are friends of nature unlike your mechanic scum.

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>with the price nerf
>literal monkey in a tank and flamethrower girl are the strongest heroes in the game
>obyn can’t even get to round 65 by himself

>do the job better
>military towers have the only one shot abilities in the game
>naturefags have some shitty Jew money ability and have to go robo in order to get a one shot
>teir 4 ability isn’t even that good

Zombie Bloons spawn off center of the track, like in the original games.


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>turns your ceramic cash into a single fucking dollar
>pssh, nothing personnel kid.

Damn, nice touch if true.

When 5 introduced the stupid monkeybux bullshit and kingdom rush added the p2w heroes around the same time, even naive young me could tell it was the beginning of something bad.

At least you got mm from completing maps, higher difficulties just threw them at you. In td6 you can literally just complete a hard map on hard mode and then on easy mode and get 1000 monkey money.