Advertised as the full story of Kakarot

>Advertised as the full story of Kakarot
>No DB, skips over tons of Z content, no DBS
>No movies

What was the point?

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It is the full story of "Kakarot", not "Goku".
It starts when he learns that his Saiyan name is Kakarot.
And ends with Vegeta's "Kakarot you're #1" speech.
Pretty kino actually.

Free money

>Advertised with DBZ bolded
>For some reason expected DB content

I agree with you otherwise but expecting DB shit is just retarded

>no DBS

No I'm being quite serious. They're going to do the DBS shit in DLC parts

wasn't called kakarot until Z
it's called Z, not super
movies (outside of battle of gods, resurrection f, and nubroly) aren't canon

They need to stop retelling the same old story in the games and just make a non canon story. That being said i wouldnt mind a dragonball story game but z can get fucked for now its been shilled out.

>Dragon Ball Super

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Is the second half of GT better than the first? I’m trying to binge this shit so I can watch DBS afterwards but it’s kinda garbage so far

Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are my favorite animes despite their countless flaws, and in the face of multiple hype threads for this game I've seen almost nothing post-launch.

What did it fail on gameplay wise specifically? Assume I'm fine with modifications to the story due to it being a fucking video game, if I wanted to watch or read the material again I would, save for the fact that each video game recounts the same fucking story ad infinitum.

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It really isn't. I'm new to Dragon Ball and I think the time skip in the finale was a sufficient ending.

The movies aren't canon and Super sucks almost in it's entirety.

Too bad Super is officially canon. No matter how bad it sucks.

I kept hearing "you might as well watch the series" and "if you like good combat it isn't for you". The big red flag for me was when I saw Bandai was making it. I don't think theres a single good Bandai game.

literally the most front-loaded game I've ever played

>not canon
>takes place in-between the skip from Buu to EoZ

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What gameplay, dude?
It calls itself an rpg but status hardly matter, talents don't matter.
Almost nothing in the combat is important, all you need is bigger levels and the strongest attacks from the bottom of the talent tree.
Gameplay is nothing.
All I can say is that flying around is not COMPLETE ass.

No. GT is trash the whole ride. People who say otherwise are just being contrarians or memelords.

Huh. That sucks. If I’ve watched this much of it I’m just gonna tough it out though. Maybe the SS4 thing will be cool if I ever get to that fucking part

Exactly. If I buy a video game I'm here for engaging gameplay, if I just wanted to re-experience the series I'd rewatch it. It seems like it's just a deepdive re-telling of the first couple of arcs we've had so many fucking times with barely involved gameplay.
Shame. Thanks, user

The only good thing to come from super was Gohan being a Clark Kent family man that can punch you through a planet any time he wants. I like that.

But they made Goku an actual monster. I get it. "Saiyan Pride" "I must become the strongest". But that monkey asshole put not just his universe but 8 other Universes on the line just so he could fuck around. How is he not a villain? Not to mention all the bullshit they get away with.

Don't listen to that user, he just has shit taste
GT is actually a fun watch, especially in jap. (Eng dub changes the soundtrack, too) Goku's SSJ4 transformation scene is absolute kino, I can promise you that

If you didn't like the Baby saga, then you might as well drop it. Maybe skip ahead to see SS4 Gogeta. That was episode 60 IIRC.

Know that Super isn't much better.

I work at, dare I say it, gamestop and all the normies that preordered this were wondering why they just keep fellating the same material. Like even the most basic bitch casuals who only watch DBZ for anime were wondering why they didn't touch ANY of the Super stuff when things like ToP were big when they originally aired.

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FighterZ is good.

it's amazing how much they can milk such a shitty franchise like db

It’s had a few cool parts so far. Where I left off is when Baby got a hold of Gohan’s body. It’s getting a little more interesting at least. 20 episodes of the marvelous misadventures of Kid Goku, Trunks, and Pan got old really fast.

I'd like to play it but my stupid ass didnt check if I need a controller to play it. So once that comes in I'll be able to play. It sucks theres no keyboard and mouse control.

Didn’t they make DBFZ? That game is really great
I worked at GameStop for a month(was enough for me), and literally nobody but black people pre-ordered that game and bought other DBZ stuff like Xenoverse. Not one white guy. And there was like 10 pre-orders I remember. Also at my college there’s a lot of black students really into DBZ and I’ve seen like one white guy once wearing a Goku shirt. What’s up with this?

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Publishers aren't developers

The only good parts of GT are Baby’s saga, the 3 second slideshow of the entire cast jobbing to Super 17 and the ending.

it kinda feels like every single dragonball game is just about the DBZ saga and going over the same stories EXCEPT for DBZF. or have their own subplot and use time travel to go back to experience the DBZ stuff. i know i am wrong and people can list the games that don't follow any of the DBZ arcs at all, but it feels like they really do keep fellating the same material