Protagonist gets a reboot appearance

>protagonist gets a reboot appearance

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down left is kinda cute, but everything on the right is scary as fuck

lol what the fuck

also i really doubt this post is real plastic surgery, looks more like he just put some wax on his face for a joke

I want to get surgery to not look asian

why would you want to change your race? that’s pathetic and gay

>suddenly self-conscious because asian

The opposite doesn't work either.

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Top left is sexy
Why change that

it'd be better if they didn't all have asian haircuts

He legit looks like a kpop star in that one

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if you only knew how bad things really are

It clearly does work. No fucking way anyone would be able to tell just by looking at him.

Looks like dolls, fucking creepy

Holy shit

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Burn this whole thread with fire.

there's more

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looks like a star trek character

He looks like he's wearing the face of a korean on top of his own face.

What compels people to do this and why doesn't anyone stop them

The bogpill is the only pill you ever need.

That chin is way to pointed. No one looks like that

mental illness


Fucking shit almost choked on my coffee you fucker


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When you read one too many shoujo mangas

those are clearly from some kind of filter

looks like a junji ito character

These are camera filters you cretins

In fairness, it DOES work.

If I saw him I'd assume he was an Asian person with some kind of horrible chromosomal disorder.

So, mission accomplished I guess?

This shit is photoshoped, It has to be.


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>3rd image, girl on the right

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dude dont even look real
id say its pretty cool tee bee eish

it's probably the work of (((them)))

I'm hoping this is an edit

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Matto could pass as one.

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That last one...

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I refuse to believe these aren't even a little shopped

i refuse to acknowlodge this is real and is only shopped

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Real life anime.