Fear 2

So, i'm going trough my backlog because COVID etc etc, just finished F.E.A.R and expansions, all fantastic, just started FEAR2 and... wow can you name a bigger downgrade?

>shotgun feels like shit
>cant find upgrades troughout the world
>no dual pistols
>new guns like flamethrower feel like shit
>kept the cool air double kick but it doesnt feel good to land anymore
>every time theres a spoopy moment everything turns piss yellow

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Dude you don't even know. FEAR 3 will make you miss FEAR 2.

>it gets even worse

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Why are we here, just to suffer?

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I hear at least at the end of FEAR 3 you get to fuck.

Yes. Honestly dude, just replay the original FEAR and its Xpacs on progressively highee difficulties. Much, much more worth your time.

don't play 3. don't do it.

>leave haunted school
>get in my mech suit

I own it, I have to.

Isn't the downgrade caused by that faggot who also worked on Aliens: Colonial Marines?

And yeah , sitck to the first game, it was the last of it's time.

OP here, fuck it has zombies now? Why?

It is a goddamn shame John Carpenter contributed to FEAR 3 over any of the other games.

Seriously do not play it

The fuck? What did Carpenter add to the game I can't feel his presence anywhere in FEAR 3.

Y'all niggas gonna kill me but hows the 360 version? Got it for 2 bucks when Disc Replay closed last month.

Jesus he put his name on that turd?

same company different team

Alma simultaneously made and killed FEAR.

FEAR should have have been a sort of episodic series of games where you play as various FEAR teams investigating spooky shit.

Instead we've got three games stuck on Alma.

It's exactly what you should expect from a fucking 360 era shooter.
>shit resolution and framerate because graphics prioritized over everything even thought the graphics have the shelf life of milk
>Brown and lens flairs and piss filters as far as the eye can see

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don't user. please.
do it for her and don't play it.

Its been said he worked on some of the script and cinematic cutscenes. He seemed to have loved the series or was the unofficial spokesperson but I'm not quite sure he had the right people to work with for FEAR 3.

>The FEAR writer was so fucking obsessed with Alma that he shoehorned her into Resident Evil 7

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Oh ok. That must be why the cinematography in the pre-rendered cutscenes is actually pretty good. Despite the content of said cutscenes usually being fucking retarded

Really? It seems pretty generic spoopy child. I mean worked in FEAR, also explains why the MC can slow down time somewhat.

Also man, the troopers from FEAR 1 have so much personality, now it's ALL GONE

>Get brutally raped by a demon ghost woman and held as a sex slave husband for go knows how long
>then immediately get exploded from the inside out by your rape ghost step-son
Why did Becket suffer so much?

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I still wonder why for RE7 they didnt go all paranormal. Evelyn is still a spoopy child but technically not.

Supernatural shit doesn't exist in RE


this is around the 3rd or 4th FEAR thread ive seen this week. pretty cool

Attached: F.E.A.R. Screenshot 2020.04.03 - (1920x1080, 2.74M)

I liked FEAR 2.

FEAR 3 is a better game than 2.


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What are the chances that F.E.A.R. could ever get an actually good sequel or a spiritual successor?

Dead franchise
It would just get even more ruined anyways