Post a better controller

post a better controller

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a better controller

Xbox One Controller
Xbox 360 Controller
Gamecube Controller

Literally almost anything. Snoy makes trash controllers for handlets

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t. tiny zoomer onions hands with arthritis

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handlets OUT

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This. The best one there is.

the only controller referred to by name : The Duke

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the analog sticks and triggers are seriously the best that have ever been on a controller. I like the xbox one triggers, but these feel more like actual triggers.

The one it tried to rip off.

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>yes I love asymmetrical sticks!!!

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You always do exactly as you're told? You fucking sheep.

The dogbone

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>Gamecube Controller
tiny hands

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This. I know this place is filled with contrarian faggots. I know that damn near every retarded faggot hear will argue "old = good, new = bad" in every single situation, and I won't lie, I'll argue that too in a lot of situations. But Anyone at all who pretends that the PSX controller was better without sticks is lying and they can choke on their own shit and die.

looks like a dildo

Switch Pro controller is better. Both controllers are held back by Nintendo being too fucking retarded to give them analogue triggers.

used for the wario ware, shove it up your own ass game


Both are natural user


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something about women

Playstation controller puts your thumb in a stretched position.

Ever use a cell phone before? You know how you feel a stretch in your hand when you scroll down?
The Dualshit forces your hand into that stretched position to use the left thumbstick.

>Both are natural user

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women is a TRIP uncle funcle

Dualshock 4

Hell yeah motherfucker. The hyperkin Duke is my go to controller for everything

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bro just get yourself one of these

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