Can we all agree this system was responsible for the death of pokemon?

can we all agree this system was responsible for the death of pokemon?

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can we all agree this system was responsible for the death of pokemon?

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guys this isnt funny anymore, the more games I play the more I realize how half-assed SWSH was. It should have been the best fucking game to date because of the console its on, but instead I got irredeemable garbage. I need a good Pokemon game badly bros, I cant wait for gen 9.

>Has the two "best" pokemon games
Money and greed was the death of pokemon. You can see GF starting to release a pokemon game each year after 2016

x and y weren't horrible for the first games in 3d but they really needed a z
would have preferred pokemon to stay in the ds look though (either gen 4 or gen 5's)

Don't try to deflect from Game Freak's incompetence.

No matter what console you think killed Pokémon, one thing can be certain: it’s only gonna get worse from here.

Pokemon was never good.
There, I said it.

Everything went downhill afterwards if that's what you mean

>the death of pokemon
>each game is the same exact thing to the point where they even make the same amount of sales
It's honestly fascinating how samey the entire franchise is.

Never liked the pokyman's.

can we all agree this system was responsible for the death of pokemon?

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Too much information overload, cant comment on. Heres your you

It isn't what I mean.

Frankly, I don’t care. There were way better games on those systems.

I agree

Well objectively speaking the series went to shit with Hoenn so it must be

Ah, yeah, blame the console and not the absolutely fucking retarded developers.

It didn't completely flatline until Let's Go.


No, HGSS and DPP were perfectly fine releases.

Heart Gold was the best in the series.

Guess you could say the DS killed the series though, since HGSS can never be surpassed.

It had the two best generations

HGSS were fucking great, but anyone saying they're the best is just suffering from twofold nostalgia. They played GSC as kiddos but didn't get everything out of them because of kid brain, then in their teenage years they played HGSS and got to go back and finish what they started, and HGSS were time sinks more than usual which teenager brain fucking loves.

Reality is that Platinum is the best, and BW/B2W2 are tired for second.

i didn't care for crystal at all as a child but i bigly enjoyed HGSS

HGSS, Platinum and B2W2 are really close in quality in my opinion, but HGSS wins out for me because of the Battle Frontier and the Red fight

Half assed? Maybe it lacked that post credits content but I thought the game was pretty solid and in line with games like XY and ORAS. As for me I didn't really like Sun and Moon all that much to be frank.

If anything sword and shield fixed the annoying random encounters for wild pokemon, long overdue imo. They should've made it a little easier to find the gigantamax pokemon though and they could've done it right by at least removing the unnecessary currency for the wild area.

If anything else the wild area could definitely use improvement, maybe something along the lines of how BOTW designed its world but I imagine that would take a lot of resources for the developers. I can see next gen nintendo console pulling it off though.

All DS games were trash for technical reasons, the older gen IV games looked nicer but had major slowdowns compared to gen V games that were uglier by comparison. I liked the fact we finally had fully animated sprites though, nice. The 3DS games fixed just about every technical issue I had with the older games they just weren't strong enough in terms of content.


This one was.

Shit taste underageb& zoom zoom

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am i the only one who thinks that all the pokemon games were about just as bad as the others for the most part but i only liked the older ones because nostalgia?

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At least part of your distaste for modern pokemon is boredom. The boredom will gradually increase in scope until you are bored of video games in general. Life starts to lose its zest as you age.