He’s a cool guy, why didn’t you like his game?

He’s a cool guy, why didn’t you like his game?

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Press O to win

I liked the game, just didn't like the Regalia being on rails, and holding O instead of pressing it. Still had fun. It was good, just not the best FF

Regalia is better when you get the off road variant, gives you a shitton of freedom to move around with it.

Been replaying it recently and the pacing issues are more obvious this time around since I haven't watched the anime or movie at all recently. It has good moments but those good moments aren't really tied together well.

Because it's not Final Fantasy VII

I liked the duscae battle system better

gameplay sux, world sux, story sux, visuals sux

I did that when I went back to the game a couple months ago, went almost everywhere with it

Really convenient in that you don't have to stick to the really fucking long curving roads, if there's a field you can drive straight to your destination, it's great.

His game is shit. I honestly hate looking at Noctis now.

I wanted to play edgy prince

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I liked the first half when it’s open world and just chilling with the bro’s. Game goes to complete shit right at the Leviathan fight and everything goes linear.

Story is nonsense.

Characters are nonsense.

Even the open world I like is nonsense sense there is less to do in it than an most open world games. The game actively tries to restrict your travel as much as it can so you don’t notice it.

Could have been a masterpiece if it wasn’t hampered by stupid design decisions.

Only thing that sucks is there is still some places it can't go because of invisible walls. I think those were at the edge of the map where there's nothing beyond but still some of those spots could've cut time if they allowed you to cross them

Didn't play his shit game but I meme on scrubs with him in tekken just using db 1+2 and WR 1+2 frametrap

He seemed laid back instead of edgy, only thing that would make him edgy is wearing black. His voice didn't fit him tho

If XV actually was completed and didn't relegate everything to stuff like DLC or cutting it out completely, it could have been great. As-is, it felt like an incomplete and rushed game even after all the patches.

Parts of it were pretty good. The bit near the end where they sit around the fire and its all sad and shit was pretty good

I liked the idea and the settings, Noctis power is pretty cool. Also fuck what people say, Ardyn is one of the best 'villains' in FF, just maybe a little after Kefka.

You know, the fact that you don't get to see half of the ingame world (tenebrae, Altissa, and the one you go by train)

I thought it was brilliant to subvert FF tropes and instead of an edgy 2cool4u protagonist, we literally just get a regular dude to play as.

You’d think the prince who wears all black would be edgy and spoiled but it turns out he’s a bro who likes fishing.

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I did like his game.

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>regular dude
Those two are contradictory.

The thing I hate the most in this is how slow most of the interactions are. Taking a quest? Unskippable UI animation. Handing in a quest? Unskippable UI animation. Wanna go through a hole? Press X and wait for this delay and slow animation of Noct kneeling down or squeezing through the hole. Etc.

I noticed that a lot of Jap games in general have this issue.

How do I get a haircut like that

Go to Japan I guess

You literally can't without looking like a faggot or tryhard. Save yourself the embarrassment

Honestly I just enjoyed the bro trip and banter. Also Ignis is the truest bro of all time.

Good Hair genes.

>and holding O instead of pressing it.
I fucking hate this meme. I bought FFXV and the hold O to win is fucking bullshit, fuck you Yas Forums and your forced meme shit. The only time this works is when you're overleveled or if you played the Royal Edition like me you got that Ring of the Lucii which can instate-kill everything when charged.

I did like it.

I used to like it. Then an obnoxious faggot kept stirring up shit and fucking up threads I was trying to enjoy, and he'd shill this game in every fucking thread. So I started to hate the game more and more and more because that dickless dipshit utterly ruined it by association. I hope that faggot kills himself, he should cut his own throat and bleed out in a dirty toilet. Then maybe I could enjoy the game again.

It’s clearly stated in-game that his royal lineage means jack shit outside his kingdom.

Truth be told, as much as I love to bait Barry, I’ve never actually played it.

i didn't say anything about winning because of it, I just feel like pressing the button would've been more fun

Remember when the time skip happens?
I remember thinking "Oh, so I guess I'm halfway through the game now" as I thought I'd now be traversing through a completely reworked version of the map with stronger enemies and new locations.
Little did I suspect that it would not do that, but that it was literally the end of the game.
FFXV is so completely incomplete, that It was baffling.