Sony is giving these games TOTALLY FREE

But, if you have downloaded them with PS+, can you redeem them?

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Do other regions get different games?

This is now a Bionicle thread

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Wasn't Dude Raider literally just on PS+ like two months ago? What's the fucking point of this?


More like Watch At Home.

If only they hadn't given us uncharted collection last year, I think we may of got journey last year too.

>played all the Uncharted games on PS3 this weekend

>Uncharted is psplus game of the month
>""""FREE""" GAMES"
>Uncharted is actually free for everybody and forever

>digital distribution
retard alert

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Free for PS+ or actually free?

>the only actual free games sony give away are PS3 games

what a joke

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It's not even permanently free.

When the PS3's free online was down for a few weeks you could choose two free games in a list or something.
This time the virus is nobody's fault, they don't owe anything. Don't know why people are being so entitled.

Germany and China get Knack 2

Permanently free if you get them before May I think.

Free for everyone, and free to keep. But it’s only gonna be free for a limited time. Think of the time Valve put l4d2 for free for a day.

>giving away a "free" game that was "free" to download a few months ago

>games that Everyone played and beat on ps3
Thanks I guess? Would’ve preferred something from this gen

Thanks, I hate it.

The PSN hack/downtime was Sony apologizing for fucking up. And a halfass apology it was. "Sorry for dropping the ball and potentially losing your personal information. Here's two-four of our older games you already have." This is just them attempting to get even more brownie points. "Sorry that Chinamen have effectively soured the global economy and quite possibly killed your grandma, here's four games everyone had ten years ago." So although the sentiment isn't much more than trying to entertain the masses while they're on lockdown, it certainly beats a shitty throwaway apology for letting my info fall into the hands of Sergei.

What if you already redeemed them on Plus where they have an expiration date? DLed Journey to check and it still has the date on it.

Already own them but that's cool.

Do you need PS+ to play Journey with others?

You can't even fully experience Journey without PS+ and Uncharted Collection is literally just 3 PS3 games.


It because free tomorrow I believe. I don’t see the reason why they won’t give it to you if you have it with plus.

it says you can only play them for free up to a given date

>Sonychads cucking thatgamecompany by releasing Journey free on PSN a week before its out on PC


>Once you redeem the games, they are yours to keep.

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Are you retarded

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For free for a limited time took me off guard.