Are video games a waste of time Yas Forums...

Are video games a waste of time Yas Forums? What is the point of spending countless hours playing a game when you already know that you will eventually forget everything about it in a month.

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What is the point of doing anything at all if you're just going to die anyway? Of course video games are pointless but so is everything else if you think about it that way

>hurr everything is a waste of time


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>eventually forget everything about it in a month.
You can't remember the maps from Gta vc and sa?
>Waste of time.
It's not like you can save a life every minute of your life.

Because i'm having fun you faggot

Everything is a waste of time and we will all be dead soon.


you could be learning a useful skill like coding so you could earn a 6 figure income

Name ONE thing that is better than enjoying yourself in the present moment.

the guy in the profile pic looks like a total cringelord

>spends hours on twitter
>probably spent hours watching tv later that night

This thread is antithetical to this board's existence, yet watch how jannies won't give a fuck.

why blur out the name? pretty sure this guy got btfo by someone anyway.

This guys standard for a good human is based on what is most useful to him personally rather than any kind of real virtue.
As is the case for anyone that memes about productivity for productivity's sake, as opposed to productivity as a means to an end.

Hopefully you will be dead sooner than most.

Idc, I use them to distract myself from how shit the world is, and how stupid people are.

She is objectively right

user get your eyes checked


All leisure activities are a waste of time. Cook food, lift weights and get better at your job.

Other than that, the fattening roastie on the news who laughs at you for playing games is wasting just as much time as you are by watching Hallmark movies and drinking boxed wine. Do what makes you happy.

>my hobbies are better than yours and actually matter
"People" like this are absolute scum and deserve to suffer immensely before they are gutted alive like a fish.

>playing video games makes you fatter and skinnier
What did xhe mean by this?

Most leisure activities are a waste of time. As long as you game in moderation there should be no problem. After all it's stupid to not enjoy life while you can

>No argument
U are the one coping

Unironically, yes.

Unless you have an exceptional skill and are incredibly intelligent, able to impact the human life/species in some meaningful way that will last throughout generations, living for yourself and your own happiness in the present moment, is the only meaning your life truly has.

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The shit mentioned in this tweet only happens if you game obsessively. If you game in moderation like most people do there should be no problem

I debate in my head what is a waste of time. And what isn't.

A family member which was a doctor worked his ass off all his life. He got a rare illness with his body slowly shutting down. He died within 6 months. He lived his life thinking to work hard and then enjoy retirement in his later years.

He deeply regretted never getting his payoff. He died bitter and frustrated. He saw his life as a fucking mockery. He did all of that hoping to sit back and enjoy his retirement. It never came. His whole family shattered with this. They all started to follow what he did. His sons and daughters were also doctors. He lived his whole life waiting for enjoyment that never came.

When death looks at you in your face and you are measured all hour skills and accomplishments amount to nothing. Your last thoughts is if you enjoyed your time. And many working their ass off all their life might never get that payoff.

Play your fucking games and have fun.

>only 2.7k hours
what a casual fucking play count

This is the best post so far

what's your excuse for your 3,000 hour CS GO playtime Yas Forums?

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Yes it's a waste of time. That's literally the point.


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>posted in 2019
>twitter for iphone

normalfag opinion discarded